1. Describe a local land line phone system based on the following Landline Telephone Components.
a. Local Loop - consists of twisted pair copper cables with a maximum length of three miles. It is a physical link from the customer to the service provider’s network; the local loop terminates in a circuit switch housed in a local exchange carrier or telephone exchange.
b. Central Office - a building used to house the inside plant equipment including support for up to 20 local exchanges, each serving a certain geographical exchange area. Bell Systems established a uniform system of identifying each telephone exchange with a three digit code thus inventing the area code.
c. Local Exchanges - serves a group of subscribers in a local area by physically connecting them with a pair of copper wires. Local exchange carriers (LEC) are local telephone companies that provide service along with other LECs within a designated geographical area.
d. POP - Point of Presence - where the local exchange carrier meets the long distance or interexchange carrier.
e. Long Distance System - provided by interexchange carrier. These carriers are used to connect LECs together in different local access and transport area (LATA) and sometimes within the same LATA.
f. Fixed Line - meaning not a mobile phone line, can be hard wired or coreless phone. Bell Telephone Company started installing fixed line telephones in 1877.
2. Define and describe the following Telecommunications Network Components
a. Cellular Telephones
i. Voice - first generation cell phones transmitted in analog similar to a fixed line telephone. When second generation came along transmission shifted to digital, not only can 2G transmit and receive voice but it can also transmit and receive data. ii. Data - to meet consumer data needs 3G was introduced offering higher transfer rates paying the way for multimedia apps. 4G is now the current network offering 10 or more times the rate of 3G which can