Legalizing prostitution has been a pressing matter by many abolitionists. Abolitionists see illegal prostitution as a punishment against women, so generally they wish that punishment would go to all of the clients and pimps, rather than the prostitutes themselves. Reformers want prostitution to be decriminalized as a whole, punishing all involved: prostitutes, clients, pimps, and all affiliated with prostitution. (Anthony) The main question that comes up between the abolitionists and reformers is when do the women get rights? It’s a very controversial subject because it is so situational, whether the woman is being physically abused, or if she is on the run out of her contract, it’s hard to say when the woman is right or wrong when it comes to her body. Standing on the reformers side, it is easy to see that we can eliminate these problems and situational questions altogether if we can just eliminate prostitution as a whole.
Women are not protected. Too often there is physical violence from pimps and customers, unsafe sex practices, and mentally damaging environments. There were 146 prostitutes that were interviewed from five different regions and the findings are as followed, “Eighty percent of the women interviews has suffered physical violence from pimps and buyers and endured similar