In the story, ”Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli, there are a lot of main characters. The main characters are Leo, Stargirl, Kevin, and Hillari. There are also many other side characters, like Mr. Robineau and Archie. In this essay, I am going to talk about all of the main characters characteristics and so, but I will also be talking about the student body in general. First I will be talking about Leo.
Leo is a man of inaction. He is characterized as cowardly by the things he does not do. For example, he was following Stargirl to see where she was going after school instead of talking to her directly. Also, he doesn’t stop the “Hot Seat” show when things were getting out of control between the jury and Stargirl. He doesn’t stick up for her when everyone at school calls her mean names. Leo is like Stargirl in the way that he knows what the right and kind thing to do is. However, Leo filters his thoughts through what other people will think, and therefore he does not do what he wants to do. Anyway, enough with Leo. Let’s talk about Stargirl.
Stargirl, on the other hand, is a young woman of action. She is a very kind, loving person who loves everyone, even strangers or students from another school. She knows what she believe is the right things to do. She doesn’t wait to put them through a filter of what society will think about her is she does them, unlike Leo. If she sees someone in pain, she will comfort them. If she read about someone who she thinks needs cheering up, she sends an anonymous gift or card. If she knows someone who died, she joins in the mourning even if she doesn’t even know the person who died. Now enough with Stargirl, let’s talk about Hillari now.
Hillari Kimble is the meanest and harshest person in this book. It is only moments after Stargirl’s arrival at school when Hillari starts being mean. She wastes no time in telling everyone that “she’s not real”. To Hillari, Stargirl is just too confident to actually be