Some answers may be wrong. So please study your driver’s manual before attempting these questions!
|When you cause minor damage to a parked car and | |A first time offence of driving under influence (DUI) | |When merging with traffic on an interstate highway|
|cannot locate the driver, you should | |is punishable as follows: | |from an acceleration lane, you should: |
| | | | | |
|[☻] |Leave name, address and details attached | |[ ] |A fine of pot more than $2,500 | |[ ] |Stop at the end of the acceleration lane|
| |to vehicle | | | | | | |
| | | |[ ] |A felony | |[ ] |Slow down in the acceleration lane |
|[ ] |Report to insurance company within 24 | |[☻] |Imprisonment in jail for not less than 10 | |[☻] |Adjust to traffic speed, move carefully |
| |hours | | |days not more than 1 year, and a fine of | | |into the right lane when there is a |
| | | | |not more than $1,000 | | |sufficient break in traffic |
| |