Supply-Chain Management
Discussion Questions
1. Supply-chain management is the management of the activities that procure raw materials, transform them into intermediate goods and final products, and deliver the products to customers through a distribution system.
2. The supply-chain function’s role is to help identify the products and services that can best be obtained externally; develop, evaluate, and determine the best supplier, price, and delivery for them.
3. The objective of logistics is to obtain efficiency of operations through the integration of all material acquisition, movement, and storage activities in the firm.
4. Table 11.3 identifies types of supply-chain risk:
Supplier failure
Logistics and distribution failures
Political/regulatory changes
Economic/legal changes
Natural catastrophes
Theft, vandalism, and terrorism
5. Vertical integration implies that a manufacturer moves backward into purchasing raw materials for components and forward into packaging and distribution. An example would be a coffee blender moving backwards by buying coffee plantations and moving forward to develop retail coffee shops.
6. The three basic approaches to negotiation are:
The cost-based model
The market-based model
Competitive bidding
7. The adversarial relationship must be changed dramatically to one of trust and the establishment of long-term relationships. To implement long-term relationships, purchasers must move to communicating the broad objective of the firm and the end customer. This usually requires sharing product information and schedules.
8. There are differences between postponement and channel assembly. Postponement implies that the final product is not assembled until it is shipped, usually with some modular features such as the power system for a printer. However, channel assembly actually moves assembly to the wholesale level where parts are received and assembly takes place. They are related but different.
9. CPFR,