
Three Stories About Steve Jobs’ Life Philosophy

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Three Stories About Steve Jobs’ Life Philosophy
Three Stories about Steve Jobs’ Life Philosophy
Ven. Khai Thien Translated by Phap Than-Dharmakāya

The author has no relations to Steve Jobs in any way. The only connection that the author has with Steve Jobs is simply a Macbook Air computer that was purchased a few months ago . . . The joys with the MacBook were quickly transformed into a feeling of sadness when the author learned that the creator of this device has departed from this world permanently. This sense of sadness is deepen when he learned that five years earlier Steve Jobs had spoken about his own mortality at Stanford University, a place that also holds much memories for the author. This short article represents a reflection and an expression of appreciation to Steve Jobs, not due to the author’s admiration for the supper thin devices such as MacBook Air, the IPad, or IPhone, etc. . . but because of the author’s strong emotion in response to Steve Jobs’ profound message about life that is very Buddhist in nature. This message is a beautiful one to this world, especially to the younger people and individuals who live for beauty, love, and ideals. Below are reflections on three beautiful stories that Steve Jobs shared in his commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005.


• Karma is like connecting the dots . . .

The first story that Steve Jobs shared with us was his decision to drop out of college. This is an emotional story. Steve Jobs recounted that he dropped out of school, not because he was lazy or unmotivated, but because a sense of guilt that his college tuition was consuming his parents’ life savings, and that he did not find any interest in his studies. After six months of college, he dropped out of school. But he continued to audit classes, including classes in calligraphy as well as other classes that he found interesting but which he did not know would have much application or value in the future.

During a difficult period of transition for young Steve Jobs, he

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