Section All
3 Credit Hours
Spring 2014
04/07/2014 to 06/01/2014
Modified 05/06/2014
Course Description:
This course is a study of supply chain management from the consumer back to raw materials. The entire process is studied from the standpoint of the leading theory and practice of cutting edge organizations.
Course Scope:
This course focuses on today’s global and increasingly competitive economy, companies (both large and small) who need to work smarter, harder, and more efficiently to remain viable and competitive. In the recent past, purchasing, logistics, finance, and shipping used to be considered separate and individual functions. This decentralized, semi integrated approach has recently been viewed as ineffective and inefficient. The current concept of Supply Chain Management involves the effective management and integration of these functions to produce and deliver a quality product to a customer at a competitive cost while realizing a good profit. Synchronizing organizational processes, functions and activities has enabled modern corporations – regardless of size – to reduce costs, increase efficiency, while at the same time maintaining the flexibility to be responsive to their client’s ever-changing needs and requirements. Purchased materials and services account for 50-75% of the cost operations in most organizations and, in some cases, 80-90% for both manufacturing and service industries. “Outsourcing” of entire functions such as logistics and procurement of raw materials, parts, sub assemblies, operating supplies, and capital equipment have increased as firms concentrate on core competencies. Therefore, “Materials and Services” provide an enormous potential area of cost savings along with increased quality of service. For example, a five percent (5%) reduction in materials cost can increase ROI by thirty percent (30%)!
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