School of Business
SCM 401: Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Spring 2015
Instructor: Bill Roach, 318 Summerfield Hall,
Phone: 864-1996 e-mail:
Class Hours: 1:00 – 2:15 MW; 527 Summerfield Hall 2:30 – 3:45 TR , 127 Summerfiedl Hall
Office Hours: 2:30 – 3:30 MW, 1:15 – 2:15 TR
(or by appointment)
Course Website:
Required Reading Materials: e-Book from McGraw-Hill
(see p.2 of the syllabus for details)
Course Description
Fierce competition in today’s global markets, the introduction of short life cycle products, and the heightened customers expectations have forced the business enterprises to invest in, and focus attention on, their supply chains like never before. In industry after industry supply chains have been radically transformed over the last ten years. Initially the enablers for change were fast and cheap computer processing power along with standardized data communication. Recently the combination of enterprise information infrastructure and internet has paved the way for a variety of supply chain optimization technologies. In line with these developments, this course focuses on management and improvement of supply chain processes. The primary objectives of the course are:
• To give student an introduction to supply chain management, including the demand and the supply processes
• To familiarize students the common problems faced by supply chain analysts and managers
• To develop the analytical and problem solving skills necessary to tackle a variety of supply chain management and design problems and to develop an understanding for use of information technology in supply chain optimization.
• To understand the complexity of inter-firm and intra-firm coordination in implementing programs such as quick response, vendor managed inventory, and strategic alliances.
So which students will find value in this course? Students majoring in Supply