expected it to be. Out of the fourteen statements I was unable to pick just A‚ B‚ or C. Eight of the statements have a dual answer. The most effective way for me to learn information is the Auditory Learning Style and Kinesthetic Learning Style. As I read the tendencies for both the Auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles I checked each tendency that I do a daily basis and realized that it’s split down the middle. As I was growing up I had a problem retaining information that I
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The Senses The sensory system involves hearing‚ touching‚ tasting‚ smelling‚ and seeing‚ which provide data for perception. The eye is a sensory organ held by an orbit that allows vision (a detection of light in a way that provides mental images of objects) and holds photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are used to absorb light energy‚ which are bent by a transparent unit called the lens. Some photoreceptors in the eye are the rod cell and cone cell. Rod cells are used in dim light for coarse images and
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concentrating? Sometimes‚ children simply don’t hear like the rest of us. These children are affected by central auditory processing disorders‚ or CAPDs. CAPDs affect how a child interprets and understands what they hear. CAPDS are often hard to diagnose‚ but when symptoms are recognized‚ the necessary tests can be performed‚ and the disorder can be treated. Subject Sentence: Central auditory processing disorders (CAPDs) affect how a child interprets and understands what they hear. Connective: First
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A developmental study of auditory preferences in infants with Down’s syndrome and non-handicapped infants when hearing familiar and unfamiliar voices singing nursery rhymes The auditory preferences of 20 non-handicapped infants and 20 infants with Down’s syndrome will be studied at the ages of 6 months and 12 months. A digital apparatus allowing infants to choose whether to listen to one of two auditory stimuli will be used as a measurement of their preferences. Sounds used will include two familiar
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Introduction Nurses‚ related health professionals‚ schools and the public have seen a dramatic increase in Auditory Process Disorder (APD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in school-age children. Auditory Process Disorder has children reacting to vacuum cleaners‚ certain pitches and sirens. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has children exhibiting lack of attention‚ hyperactivity and being impulsive. Nurses need to educate and assist all parties involved in the care of
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Auditory Processing Literature Review In the past‚ there has been difficulty in defining what is known as (central) auditory processing disorder (CAPD)‚ its definition is constantly changing with the most recent being produced by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA‚ 2005) stating that “(C)APD is a deficit in neural processing of auditory stimuli that is not due to higher order language‚ cognitive‚ or related factors” (ASHA‚ 2005; Wilson et al.‚ 2012) however‚ this definition
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that is used for hearing and balance. It is connected to the brain by the auditory nerve and is composed of three divisions‚ the external ear‚ the middle ear‚ and the inner ear. The greater part of which is enclosed within the temporal bone. The ear is looked upon as a miniature receiver‚ amplifier and signal-processing system. The structure of the outer ear catching sound waves as they move into the external auditory canal. The sound waves then hit the eardrum and the pressure of the air causes
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learning; Visual‚ Auditory and Tactile / Kinesthetic or VAK. (Fleming‚ 2001) Visual learners are those that learn by seeing. Auditory learners are those that learn best by hearing the material. Tactile / Kinesthetic learners are those who learn best by moving‚ touching and doing. These three basic styles make up this theory of learning that has helped countless students and others. It is important for any individual to know their own learning style but it is especially important for the auditory learner because
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energy of nerve impulses. The auditory system is able to process the sound waves travelling through the air and carry out this transformation of energy which leads to the perception of a pitch. When a pitch is heard‚ it is the frequency of the sound (or the number of times per second the waveform repeats itself) which is being coded in the auditory system and then perceived as a pitch in the brain – although pitch is closely related to frequency‚ pitch is an auditory sensation of frequency and thus
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membrane (auditory) tube OUTER EAR STRUCTURES • Auricle (pinna) – Elastic cartilage – Function: collect and direct sound waves • External acoustic meatus (external auditory canal) – Canal within temporal bone – Ceruminous glands – sticky earwax traps debris • Tympanic membrane – Thin‚ translucent membrane – Sound waves cause it to vibrate Figure 15.24b Structure of the ear. Oval window (deep to stapes) Entrance to mastoid antrum in the epitympanic recess Malleus (hammer) Incus Auditory (anvil)
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