"Biology osmosis in potato strips" Essays and Research Papers

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    Bio 93 Review Sheet: 1. Understand all the THEMES presented in the introductory lecture (lec 1). 2. What is an open system? Energy in and out‚ comes in and leaves as heat 3. What are the 4 most important elements in the human body? C‚ O‚ N‚ H 4. Draw the periodic square for Helium. How many valence electrons does it have? How do you figure this out using the periodic table? Two valence e-‚ 23He‚ all the way right full shell only holds two electrons 5. What is an isotope? How are they used

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    w w w e tr .X m eP e ap .c rs om June 2003 GCE A AND AS LEVEL MARK SCHEME MAXIMUM MARK: 40 SYLLABUS/COMPONENT: 9700/01 BIOLOGY Paper 1 (Multiple Choice) Page 1 Mark Scheme A/AS LEVEL EXAMINATIONS – JUNE 2003 Syllabus 9700 Paper 1 Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Key D A C C A C D A B A B C B C D A D A C C Question Number 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Key D B B A C C B B C D A C C D B B D B B C

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    Osmosis in Onion Cell

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    The aim of the sixteenth of November experiments was to observe how three different solutions with various sucrose concentration influenced osmosis in relation to three onion cells and the impact on the cells structure. A small square of a red onion skin (membrane) was observed under a microscope at high power (X40) magnification. The observation showed a large number of onion cells. The structure of one onion cell had a general rectangular shape with a developed cell wall‚ which gives the rectangular

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    Biology: 1. Living Things Please remember to photocopy 4 pages onto one sheet by going A3→A4 and using back to back on the photocopier Syllabus OB38 Understand how to use a simple key to identify plants and animals‚ including vertebrates and invertebrates OB39 Investigate the variety of living things by direct observation of animals and plants in their environment; classify living organisms as plants or animals‚ and animals as vertebrates or invertebrates OB40 Identify the basic life

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    Potato Catalyst Lab

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    Potato Catalysis Lab Pre-Lab Assignment Background Information: An enzyme is catalytic protein. It is the most important type of molecule found in living cells. Cells would not be able to function without enzymes. Enzymes speed up or slow down chemical reactions of the cells. It is usually easy to identify the names of enzymes because they end in -ase. The enzyme that acts upon the substrate hydrogen peroxide is usually called catalase. This enzyme is found in both plants and animals

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    Yeast Osmosis Lab

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    Osmosis is the movement of water across a membrane. It always navigates to the area of the membrane with a higher solute concentration. We take a closer look at the effects of osmosis in this lab through the examination of red blood cells (sheep)‚ plant cells (elodea)‚ and active transport in yeast. Under the microscope‚ we can determine the effects on plant and animal cells exposed to hypotonic‚ hypertonic‚ and isotonic sodium chloride solutions. Plant cells have a cell wall; however‚ animal cells

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    Notes Biology

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    Biology- Maintaining a Balance Summary 1. Most organisms are active in a limited temperature range 1. identify the role of enzymes in metabolism‚ describe their chemical composition and use a simple model to describe their specificity on substrates Enzymes are proteins which act as catalysts in living things (they lower the amount of energy needed for a reaction‚ therefore increasing rate of reaction). Enzymes speed up reactions but are not used up by them. Enzymes catalyze only one

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    Irish Potato Famine

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    In the early 1800s life in Ireland wasn’t easy‚ Irish citizens got by day to day by farming and relying on the potato. The potato was their main source of food and money. With out the potato the Irish would have nothing. No one was prepared for what was about to happen in 1845‚ the beginning of the Great Irish Potato Famine. The Irish Potato Famine was the worst tragedy in the history of Ireland. The outcome of the famine would result in hundreds of thousands dead‚ an failure of the economy

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    osmosis in gummy bears

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    Investigating the effect of different concentrations of glucose on the percent change in mass of Gummy bears according to their respective colours In this experiment osmosis is the main process taking place. Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules of a solvent which pass through a semi permeable layer and in most cases are due to a concentration gradient meaning that the water molecules travel from an area of low concentration to one of higher concentration. In this investigation‚ gummy bears

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    Osmosis Lab Report

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    germination is the uptake of water by the seed. This is the part where osmosis takes place. Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane in which the water moves from a high concentration to an area where there are water molecules with a low concentration. Osmosis is similar to diffusion in the way mentioned earlier with the molecules moving from high to low concentration. Another similarity that osmosis shares with diffusion is that both processes work as passive transports

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