a Great Speech‚ write and deliver a speech presenting your Personal Brand Statement to a City Council. 1. Complete the Speech Planning Guide 2. Write a two- to three-minute speech using the notes you organized in the Speech Planning Guide. 3. Submit your notes and your written speech (two to three paragraphs) to your instructor. 4. Rehearse your speech. Speech Planning Guide Your local city council wants a student to share something he or she has learned in school. They want you to give
Premium Mayor City council Municipality
Analysis of Policy Process Case Study #1 1) Official Actors * County Council Members * County Chair * Regional Growth Planning Council * Land Use Committee * Mayors (Cooperville and Vanish Ridge) * State’s Department of Growth Management Unofficial Actors * Citizens * Johnson & James Corporation (Land Developers) * Political Parties * City Councils (Cooperville and Vanish Ridge) * Media and other interest groups (possible Unofficial
Premium City council Municipality Mayor
Twenty years ago Hillton was a small city (about 70‚000 residents) that served as an outer to a large Midwest metropolitan area. The city treated employees like family and gave them a great deal of autonomy in their work. Everyone in the organization (including the two labor unions representing employees) implicitly agreed that the leaders and supervisors of the organization should rise through the ranks based on their experience. Few people were ever hired from the outside into middle or senior
Premium Municipality Management City
Municipal Manager and Speaker. Name: Suhil Singh Stu No.: 212519449 Course: Introduction to Local Government Table of Contents: * Introduction * The Municipal Manager * The Speaker * The Mayor * The Mayoral Council * Conclusion * References Introduction The constitution of 1996 establishes local government as a distinguishing sphere of government. This sphere consists of municipalities that have been established for the whole territory of the
Premium City council Municipality District
1 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON APRIL 10‚ 2014 The regular monthly meeting of the St. Ann Parish Council was held on Thursday‚ April 10‚ 2014 in the Council’s Meeting Room‚ St. Ann’s Bay. PRESENT WERE: MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: His Worship the Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillors - Cllr. Desmond Gilmore – Chairman Cllr.Delroy Redway– Vice Chairman Vinnette Robb-Oddman (Mrs.) Winston Brown Marlon Garvey Lydia Richards (Mrs.) Arthur Clemetson Dalas Dickenson Gilbert McLeod Anthony
Premium Management occupations City council
Long Live The Donkey: Forty-Six Years Of Laurino Tradition Flows Through The Veins of Ward Thirty-Nine An alderman since 1995‚ Margaret Laurino is no new-kid-on-the-block. Alongside hard fought campaigns‚ this 39th ward representative also has a family history of Chicago politics to go along with her 17 years in office. Her father‚ also serving ward 39‚ was known as the "alley alderman"‚ said to have walked the alleys of Chicago to get to better know his people. After a near three decades of
Premium Chicago City council Mayor
organizing: how to organize and conduct a productive meeting in one hour or less. Running good meetings has long been the practice within our organizations‚ but ir became a hallmark of our organizations because we kept teaching and re-reaching people how to di it until it finally became second nature to them. In the course of the session‚ one of the leaders asked why the same people who conducted and participated in interesting‚ useful‚ and productive meetings in the context of citizens’ organizations that
Premium Management City council English Congregation
responsibility to be well informed on relevant Council matters. Councillors may vote‚ resign‚ request items to be added to Council Agendas‚ chair working parties‚ and represent the Council on outside bodies. Councillors: Must be over 18‚ British/European nationals‚ and not a declared bankrupt1‚ May sign cheques2‚ May act as Clerk on an unpaid basis3‚ Must attend when summoned to the requisite number (at least once every six months) of Council meetings4‚ Must sign Declaration of Acceptance
Premium Decision making Human rights United States
BREDELL MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To From The Honourable CZ Fakude Mr S Mlangeni The Mayor Councillor: Zone 11 BRIGHTSIDE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Your Ref 001/ELEC/2012 My Ref ELEC/Z1/8/1 Date 10 September 2012 REPORT ON PROGRESS MADE IN THE ELECTRIFICATION OF ZONE 11‚ BRIGHTSIDE MUNICIPALITY 1. Background On 21 November 2011 the Brightside Municipal Council approved electrification of Zone 11‚ based on the applications received from households
Premium Project management City council Municipality
expansion of (2x – y)7. C- 5 8. Expand (x + 3y)5. K 6 Problem 9. There are 10 councillors and 12 planning department staff available to serve on a budget committee for the new city council. If the committee will consist of 3 councillors and either 1 or 2 planning staff‚ how many different committees could the council choose? A- 5 10. A teacher organizing a field trip finds that 50 students have signed up. However‚ the bus has only 47 seats‚ so a few students will have to travel by car. The
Premium City council Education