"Confidentiality in adult care settings" Essays and Research Papers

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    CONFIDENTIALITY THE HISTORY OF CONFIDENTIALITY IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE. One of the oldest documents we can find about confidentiality is the Hippocratic Oath what was written in the 4th century BC. We all know that nurses are not taking this oath‚ but we are bound to the same confidentiality regulations as doctors and other health professionals including social workers. Untrained or ancillary workers should not have access to patient’s records and there is no need for them to know certain confidential

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    Principles of personal development in adult social care settings Task A Reflective Guide for Social Care Workers What is reflective practice? This is a way of studying or analysing your own experiences so that you can make improvements on the way you approach your day to day work. It is about examining the work or duties you carry out on a daily basis and identifying areas that require additional support and development. It is also a way of recognising those things that you do very well

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    Confidentiality 1) Confidentiality means that whatever information you hold on someone must not be shared with others. Information must be kept safe and private. You can only pass on information about someone if they have given their consent. 2) The Data Protection Act 1998 & 2003 is mandatory and has eight principles. These principles dictate how information is to be handled. Information should only be used for the use it was intended‚ it must not be given to anyone else without

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    Principles of communication in adult social care settings Task A Question and Answers Ai Identify four different reasons why people communicate. 1)For a resident to express their feelings to you. 2)To pass on information to other staff members about a residents condition. 3)To order food at meal times. 4)To have a friendly chat and get to know a resident better. Aii Explain how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between: Colleagues and

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    Engage in personal development in health‚ social care or children’s and young people’s settings The knowledge and skills addressed in this unit are key to working effectively in all aspects of your practice. It is essential to know how to evaluate your work and how you can improve on what you do‚ and to understand the factors that have influenced your attitudes and beliefs. With the major changes‚ new policies and ongoing research in this sector‚ you need to make sure that you are up to date in

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    Assignment 301 Principles of communication in adult social care settings Task A Question and Answers Ai Identify four different reasons why people communicate. 1. In order to pass on any information. 2. To be able to build‚ develop and maintain relationships. 3. To ensure the individual’s needs and preferences are met. 4. To maintain effective team working. Aii Explain how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between: a) Colleagues and other professionals

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    communication in adult social care settings Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment‚ you will complete tasks to demonstrate your knowledge of the importance of effective communication in adult social care settings‚ and ways to overcome barriers to meet individual needs‚ wishes and preferences in communication. You will also address the principles and practices relating to confidentiality. Tasks There are two tasks

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    Assignment‭ ‬301‭ ‬Principles of communication in adult social care settings A1: Four different reasons why people need to communicate are to express themselves and feelings‚ asking questions‚ gattering information or sharing experiences. A2: A) Health and social care professionals need good communication skills to develop possotive relationships and share infromation with people using services. They also need to be able to communicate well with individuals familys and/or carers and their own

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    ASSIGNMENT 207 TASK C CASE STUDIES CASE STUDY ONE CI Identify ways of helping Marcus to make an informed choice. To help Marcus make an informed choice you could show him a supported living setting or by letting him spend a short break in supported living‚ It may help Marcus if he also talked to someone who lives there. CII Explain why it is important that you do not let your own view influence Marcus final decision. It is important not to influence Marcus fina decision because he has to

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    independent as possible -treating people with dignity and respect -recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals Person-centred care has its focus on the person with an illness and not on the disease in the person. To achieve truly person-centred care we need to understand how the individual experiences his or her situation if we are to understand their behaviours and symptoms. This requires in-depth understanding of the individual’s

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