"Deadly unna monologue" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Blue Monologue

    • 1766 Words
    • 8 Pages

    I know you said you weren’t trying to hurt me. I know you said you were trying to do this the best way you knew how. But when you stood there with your knife at my throat‚ and I begged you please‚ you still pressed it in. You heard me scream and beg‚ and you still dug deeper‚ until you couldn’t hear me anymore. You could hear the blood gushing to the floor‚ the universe’s way of saying you’d fucked up. But you’d already ripped out my throat‚ you couldn’t go back from that. But that’s not what happened

    Premium 2008 singles 2005 singles

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    Dianna Monologue

    • 323 Words
    • 2 Pages

    I called Dianna today to follow-up on the sleep study order I faxed over to Neuro Diagnostic sleep centers. I had to leave a message. When she called me back she said that she was holding her sick grandson who was coughing and he had relief only while she held him on her shoulder in the recliner. That is the reason she could not get to the phone when I called‚ or pick up her cigarette and her drink; the way she described while she didn’t pick up the phone. When I told her that she will be receiving

    Premium Patient Health care Health care provider

    • 323 Words
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    The Alchemist Monologue

    • 1334 Words
    • 6 Pages

    It’s good that you brought up Zak Santiago ’cause that’s another Hallmark tie-in which is great for my readers. Yeah‚ it’s nice to see that. Zak and I--it’s the second project we’ve done together--but we’ve known each other since we were about nineteen or twenty. He’s very well-loved on Signed‚ Sealed‚ Delivered. His character is hilarious on that. And he is the busiest guy in the world! Zak is tough to pin down. There were days he couldn’t be on Dirk ’cause he was doing another show called Shut

    Premium Dirk Gently 2009 albums Coming out

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    Shnyzer Monologue

    • 549 Words
    • 3 Pages

    I walked out of Miss Shnyzer’s office. It had been about an hour ago that Toby Kavner‚ my name‚ was called over the loudspeaker. I walked over to my mates‚ Max Lavell‚ Jimmy Cass and Dylan Dolan‚ who were tossing their apples over the wrought iron fence. They are too busy cracking jokes about some homework. I plump down beside Max and start crunching down on my ovalteenies. “Where were you‚ too busy flirting with Sophie to hang with us?” Max called over the yelling of the boys by the oak trees. I

    Premium English-language films Family Mother

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    Jackie Monologue

    • 957 Words
    • 4 Pages

    "You think you better than me‚" Jackie laughed as her son carried her into the house."You ain’t shit just like your daddy wasn’t shit."All you is and ever gonna be is a drug dealer and you know what’s gonna happen at the end. Pow! Laughing uncontrollably Jackie watched as her son jaw clenched together as if they were about to break. For what has seemed like forever‚ Dino has taken the role of a parent since his mother had a hard doing that. After his father’s death the only thing that brought

    Premium Laughter English-language films American films

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    Russia Monologue

    • 546 Words
    • 3 Pages

    I hope you get this letter. I haven’t seen you in forever and I hope your okay‚ and how are my little sisters. They germans keep moving us to different towns. We finally made it out of the camps. It was the worst thing ever. I seen so many bad things and had so many bad things happen. Dad got sick and didn’t make it‚ I’m so sorry mom I tried to help him‚ but he didn’t want help. They burned us and killed us if we were too weak or tried to escape. I never had anything like this happen in my hole

    Premium Family Mother Father

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    Mary's Monologue

    • 398 Words
    • 2 Pages

    That’s what makes it so hard – for all of us. We can’t forget.has hidden deeper within herself and found refuge and release in a dream where present reality is but an appearance to be accepted and dismissed unfeelingly – even with a hard cynicism – or entirely ignored. There is at times an uncanny gay‚ free youthfulness in her manner‚ as if in spirit she were released to become again‚ simply and without self-consciousness‚ the naïve‚ happy‚ chattering schoolgirl of her convent days. Morphine keeps

    Premium English-language films Psychology Jesus

    • 398 Words
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    The Slave Monologue

    • 1524 Words
    • 7 Pages

    He considered everything that had happened in the last few minutes. She acknowledged the queen’s viscous humor and intention to keep things as they are. Yet he didn’t believe that really mattered to her. Her stated belief that pain didn’t matter was a clear expression that and more of her numbness to the horrors she’d been exposed to. He’d told her about his friend and she’d asked the boy’s name. His breath caught. He looked at her and said‚ “Though I have not said his name aloud in all these years

    Premium English-language films Family Psychology

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    Monologue Of Woman

    • 1213 Words
    • 5 Pages

    My name is Xing the third. I was named after my great grandmother. I live in the Tuvas village. It was an average day in the village. The temperature had dropped even more from the previous days of the week. The population here continues to rise. There are at least a million people in my country. I woke up‚ and put on my fur coat to head to outside to feed the animals. The neighbors were whispering things to each other. I think they were talking about me because women don’t get appreciated much‚

    Premium Family Mother Father

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    Monologue Of Montresor

    • 965 Words
    • 4 Pages

    The missing person was reported by one of the victim’s friend‚ Mr. Montresor. We are currently specking to his wife Lady Forunato. She says she last got into a fight with her husband about carnival and not drinking in large amounts as usual. She later stated that he left angrily stating that he works for the money this house for every damn thing and if he wants to drink wine he will drink as much as he desires. She later states that she felt a great disdain for her husband at that time. I was waiting

    Premium English-language films 2006 singles Marriage

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