Ethics‚ Integrity and Accountability in Public Sector: Practice and Lessons Learned in Latvia Aleksejs Loskutovs‚ Director Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau Latvia 28 September 2006 (10 min.) The public sector in Latvia has undergone many important changes over the past decade. In mid 1990s Latvian government started a major public administration reform. This reform was one of the cornerstones on Latvia’s way to the European Union‚ which we joined in May 2004. Latvia made a great effort
Premium Ethics Political corruption Law
One of the most interesting careers in the field of psychology is forensics and public service. This field uses psychological science in order to help the judicial system make accurate decisions in order to maintain a safe community. One of the main reasons I found this topic interesting was because I have seen shows like Criminal Minds‚ in this show the group of FBI profilers study criminal’s mind in order to detain them. This show made me think of forensic psychologists because they help by determining
Premium Crime Police Psychology
The two public services which I have chosen to write about in my task 1 of the assignment are: * Police * Fire service POLICE: Police is a government organisation‚ which have a very important duty of maintaining law and order in the community. The work police come from the French‚ which refer to government or administration; the word police was coined in France in the 18th century. The police may also be known as a constabulary‚ after constables‚ who were an early manifestation of police officers
Premium Police Constable Crime
Ethical considerations in Public Services provision. This assignment will examine in depth into the moral and also ethical issues which are within the Public Services it will also show the need in which we need to be able to appreciate the ethical standards and also the professional codes of conduct within the Public Services. It will also show different elements of their own integrity‚ accountability and the ethical conduct within the public sector organisations. The term ethics is defined as a
Premium Ethics
Team Development In the public services you need to work at your best levels‚ this meaning you are needed to work well with your fellow work mates. Working as a team will get things done faster and better meaning that more people can be helped; however working in a team has advantages and disadvantages. Some disadvantages are that people may not get on meaning they don’t want to help each over out so this will make things harder. Also working in a team you will find that you make think something
Premium Group dynamics
recorded in the requirements of becoming a Roman citizen and keeping that role. Roman citizenship itself was originally difficult to obtain but once won‚ life as a citizen was easier and more refined than the ’lowly freemen ’. There was a complex set of rules to be taken into account when it came to granting Roman citizenship to the people. Even the birth of a child to a citizen was not always a guarantee of citizenship as the role of the father and mother came into account. If the parents were both
Premium Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Public services: Unit task 2 How the IRA have affected the UK Public services between the 1970 – 1990s? The IRA is the first irish republic army who were terrorists in the 80s in the UK and they bombed one of the buildings that had a member of parliment in but worstley they affected the UK because of thr destructing they caused for example they would put bombs in bins so that they would explode by civilians and they would use people to walk into buildings with bombs strapped to them in order to
Premium Terrorism Counter-terrorism United Kingdom
In today’s world there are many Public Service Announcements that are used to bring recognition about current problems that are going around in our societies today. Creating any type of PSA‚ the developers have to contemplate all the ideas‚ and what elements would best suit audiences. They also have to scrutinize what elements would be most successful in bringing about change on the issue being discussed. In this effective Public Service Announcement that the American Society for the Prevention
Premium Abuse Dog Audience
Public Service Announcement Have you ever seen a pet that has been left in a hot car in the summer? This is a public service announcement about pets being let in cars in the summer basically cooking them. Today I will be talking about what it does to the animals how you can prevent this from happening‚ and if you do find a pet in a car. I will first talk about how to help if you do find a pet locked in a car. And sadly Leaving them in the cold may lead to death • Take down the car’s make‚
Premium Police Dog Automobile
Formal Letter This is a formal letter used to send information out to external parties. This specific letter is used to engage students in an exciting opportunity and potential career option. Letters are used by all in the public services and this letter that I have has been given is used by someone in the armed forces as they need to tell the headteachers about an excellent challenge for their students. Letters like this are used to inform someone about a meeting that will be happing at a certain
Premium English-language films The Reader Reader