Doing Business In Russia 1 Doing Business In Russia Hofstede’s Dimensions Study Naumov & Puffer (2000) Bollinger (1994) 92 26 76 Geert Hofstede (1980) 90 50 95 10 Uncertainty Avoidance Individualism/ Collectivism Power Distance Long-term Orientation Masculinity/ Feminity 68 41 40 59 55 28 40 Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) Empirical studies of Naumov and Puffer (68 points) as well as Bollinger (92 points) show that Russia is high on uncertainty avoidance. High
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International or Global Marketing Approaches Hofstede (1980) defines culture as the “Collective mindset which distinguishes a group from another”. This definition is probably the most comprehensive‚ yet each one highlights one aspect of this elusive concept‚ for example: a problem-solving attitude (Kluckholn and Strodtbeck‚ 1961)‚ an interrelated set of beliefs and standards (Goodenough‚ 1971)‚ a learned and shared behaviour (Useem et al.‚ 1963). Hofstede (1991) represents cultural expressions as an
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“Organisational culture comprises the deep‚ basic assumptions and beliefs‚ as well as the shared values that define organisational membership‚ as well as the members’ habitual ways of making decisions….” Schein’s Model Organisational culture is a set of values‚ beliefs and norms that influence the organisation members’ interaction and glue the organisation together. According to Schein’s (1992) model of culture; there are three levels of culture: artefacts‚ espoused values and basic underlying assumptions
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prediction from neuroticism and extraversion. Journal of Gerontology‚ 36‚ 245-257. Headey‚ B. W.‚ Glowacki‚ T.‚ Holmstrom‚ E. L. & Wearing‚ A. J. (1985). Modeling change in perceived quality of life. Social Indicators Research‚ 17. 276-298. Hofstede‚ G. (2010). [online]. Available from: .
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The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at The effect of organisational culture and leadership style on job satisfaction and organisational commitment A cross-national comparison Peter Lok Australian Graduate School of Management‚ UNSW‚ New South Wales‚ Australia The effect of organisational culture 321 Received April
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8‚ no. 2‚ pp. 1-38. Zekiri‚ J. & Angelova‚ B. (2011)‚ "Factors that Influence Entry Mode Choice in Foreign Markets"‚ European Journal of Social Sciences‚ vol. 22‚ no. 4‚ pp. 572-584. Hofstede‚ G. (2011)‚ National cultural dimensions. Available from:‚ Professor Emeritus - Geert Hofstede Web site: [Accessed: April 22‚ 2012].
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UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Deepak K. Agrawal‚ College of Business‚ Wayne State College 1111 Main‚ Wayne‚ NE 68787‚ ABSTRACT Culture has significant impact on the organization. People of an organization learn the national culture as they grow up. It is very deeply rooted in their lives because of the fact that they learned and followed such culture for a very long period of time. It is also based on shared attitudes‚ beliefs‚ customs‚ written and unwritten rules that
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References: Hofstede‚ Geert (1977). Culture and Organizations: Software of the Mind new York: McGraw-Hill. Lewin‚ K.‚ LIippit‚ R. and White‚ R. K. (1939). Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology‚ 10‚ 271-301
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Question 1 2.5 out of 2.5 points A centrally planned economy most often refers to an economic system that is under comprehensive control and regulation by a government in accordance with the plan of economic development. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 2 0 out of 2.5 points The current account‚ sometimes called the financial account‚ is the sum of every nation’s gross income from trade in goods and services. Answer Selected Answer: True Question 3 2.5 out of 2
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Bibliography: Bennett‚ M. J. (1993). Towards ethnorelativism: A developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. In R. M. Paige (Ed.)‚ Education for the intercultural experience (2nd ed.‚ pp. 21–71). Yarmouth‚ ME: Intercultural Press. Hofstede Geert. Dimensions‚ Humphrey Donna‚ (2007). Intercultural Communication Competence: The State of Knowledge Report prepared for CILT‚ 20-24 Ruben,B.D.(1976). Assessing communication competency for
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