Deepak K. Agrawal, College of Business, Wayne State College
1111 Main, Wayne, NE 68787,
Culture has significant impact on the organization. People of an organization learn the national culture as they grow up. It is very deeply rooted in their lives because of the fact that they learned and followed such culture for a very long period of time. It is also based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, written and unwritten rules that the organization develops over time. It affects the ways the organization conducts its business, treats its employees, customers, and the wider community and the strength of employee commitment towards collective objectives of the organization.
The complete knowledge and awareness of organizational culture should help to improve the ability to examine the behavior of organization which assists to manage and lead (Brooks, 2006). Pettigrew (1979) used the term “organizational culture” first time in the academic literature for his study in the journal of “Administrative Science Quarterly”. It is necessary for the management to identify the norms and values of the organization of the employees. It should be needed that culture of the organization should be developed in a way to improve the style of employee’s performance and continuous develop the quality awareness.
The culture in an organization compromises of various things such as, experiences, belief, attitude and values of the organizations. An organization culture is an interrelated system of shared belief and values that differs from one organization to other. Different organization has different people, environment, norms, values and beliefs which make each organizational culture different from each other. Like all the social mechanism, orgnaizational cutlure also perfroms social functions, some of them are intentional and some are unintentional and are always difficult to
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