Promoting Inclusion‚ Equality and Diversity for learners. I have already found that the variables as regards learning abilities‚ needs and differences are infinite. In order that I pertain to the principles of E.L.M I would be ready to implement the following methods actions and ideas to maximise the input/ output and levels and achievement of the students. I will be mindful of diversity and as far as is possible ensure feelings of inclusion‚ involvement and equality for all. I teach First Aid
Premium Education Psychology Learning
UNIT 4222 – 201 Introduction to communication in health‚ social care or children’s and young people’s settings 1. Understand why communication is important in the work settings 1. Identify different reasons why people communicate I think the reasons why people communicate are: to know each other with everything they are ( needs‚ interests‚ beliefs‚ religion etc); to socialize; to share experiences‚ memories; to make friends; to know others tradition and customs;
Premium Communication Nonverbal communication Nonviolent Communication
CU2546 - The role of a Health and social care worker Performance Criteria 1.1 Difference between working and personal relationship The difference between a working relationship and a personal relationship is that:- A working relationship has boundaries‚ professional codes of conduct‚ employer policies and procedures‚ you should be friendly but have a different approach you should treat the customer with equality and you would know your role and responsibilities and you should not share personal
Premium Interpersonal relationship Policy UCI race classifications
believe are important when working in the social care sector. With reference to Biestek’s principles and the National care Standards and how these help care workers work in an anti discriminatory manner. Values are a set of beliefs that we have against what we believe to be right and wrong. We have what we call personal values and professional values. Personal values are what we personally believe to be acceptable. Values are important when working in social care these can ensure that the correct individuals
Premium Sociology Discrimination Morality
I have done my presentation on equality diversity and rights I have chosen to do my presentation on a care home setting. I will be looking at the different aspects of care that is available at the care home and the possible barriers of care that may or may not be over come. I will also be looking at acts that are in place to protect the service user against abuse. I will also look closely at the safety measures they have in place to care for the service user and make sure that the service user is
Premium Discrimination European Union Human rights
Learning Aim A1-Promoting Equality‚ Diversity and Discrimination. Equality-Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents‚ and believing that no one should have poorer life chances because of where‚ what or whom they were born‚ what they believe‚ or whether they have a disability. Equality recognises that historically‚ certain groups of people with characteristics e.g. race‚ disability‚ sex and sexuality‚ have experienced discrimination
Premium Discrimination Learning disability
employment responsibilities and rights in health and social care settings. 1.1 List the aspects of employment covered by law. The law in the uk covers the following aspects: minimum wage‚ hours worked‚ sick pay‚ coshh‚ riddor‚ discrimination‚ health and safety‚ holiday entitlements and pay‚ redundancy and dismissal‚ training‚ disciplinary procedures and union rights.1.2 List the main features of current employment legislations. Equalities‚ (The Equality act 2010) equal opportunities means that
Premium Employment Occupational safety and health Discrimination
LO1 Understand perceptions of health‚ disability‚ illness and behaviour 1.1 analyse concepts of health‚ disability‚ illness and behaviour in relation to users of health and social care services 1.2 assess how perceptions of specific needs have changed over time 1.3 analyse the impact of legislation‚ social policy‚ society and culture on the ways that services are made available for individuals with specific needs LO2 Understand how health and social care services and systems support
Premium Psychology Sociology
HND in Health and Social Care (QCF) Course Handbook 2012/2013 East End Computing & Business College 149 Commercial Road London E1 1PX 020 7247 8447 1 CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER Introduction 3 Programme Overview 4 Registration 4 Assessment and Certification Procedure 4 Subjects of Study 5 Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisation 7 Unit 2: Principles of Health and Social
Premium Communication Sociology Health care
defined health as: ‘1) the state of being free from illness or injury; 2) a person’s mental or physical conditions’. The same dictionary defined wellbeing as: ‘the state of being comfortable‚ healthy or happy‘. Both health and wellbeing combined together can be defined as the sum of physical‚ mental‚ social and emotional part of a person. These are the ‘resources’ for health according to WHO’s 1986 Ottawa Charter‚ (Earle‚ 2007). It’s also inline with the health definition of the World Health Organisation
Premium Health Public health Population health