"Introduction to microbiology unknown project" Essays and Research Papers

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    Margaret E Gibson July 20‚ 2009 Microbiology Dr. Metera Lab Report 3: Labs 7 and 8- Metabolism and Biochemical Tests Abstract This experiment focused on metabolism and biochemical tests. The goal of performing these tests was to differentiate microbes from one another and to compare how metabolic and biochemical processes differ from species to species. The tests performed include: the Fermentation of Sugars Test (sucrose‚ glucose‚ and lactose)‚ the Urease Test‚ the Fermentation


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    Objective: To successfully separate and identify all three unknown cations‚ found in a mixture and belonging to one of two specific groups (2 from one and 1 from the other). In order to do this we will be using various tests and reactions and observing the effect they had on our solution. Materials: Pasteur pipets Bunsen Burners Stirring rods Excess reagents Hot plates Sample QA unknown 101-5.7 Table of steps and observations: Step/Test |Observation |Inference | |2-1

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    being altered to produce a result. There are two independent variables in this experiment which are the brand of dishwashing detergent; Palmolive‚ Morning Fresh and Ultra Coles Brand and the type of bacteria used which are; Micrococcus Luteus and an unknown bacteria from a sponge. Dependent Variable The dependent variable is the factor that is being tested which is the size of the zone of inhibition from the detergent solution and the bacteria. It will be measured in millimetres using a ruler. Constant

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    ASEPTIC TECHNIQUES AND SOURCES OF MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION. Introduction The spread of infections has come to a point where it has become catastrophic. Aseptic technique is the method used to prevent contamination of infections. It is widely used in hospitals‚ pharmacy‚ and pharmaceutical industries and in laboratories. Different establishments have come up with more ways to improve infection control. In hospitals health care acquired infections are costing the NHS £1 Billion a year and

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    15 January – About 6 million are unemployed in Germany. 25 February – Adolf Hitler obtains German citizenship by naturalization‚ opening the opportunity for him to run in the 1932 election for Reichspräsident. 10 April – Paul von Hindenburg is elected president of Germany. 30 May – Chancellor Heinrich Brüning resigns. President Hindenburg asks Franz von Papen to form a new government. 14 June – Bans against the SS and SA are overturned. 17 July – Altona Bloody Sunday: In Altona‚ armed communists

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    The identification of an unknown bacterial environmental isolate through a series of morphological‚ physiological and differential exercises. The purpose of the environmental isolate report is to learn what is necessary in order to take an unknown environmental isolate (EI) and identify it. This was achieved through a series of exercises that provided information on the morphological‚ physiological and biochemical traits of the EI which were then compiled and interpreted in order to make a presumptive

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    Pollution problems that are serious but that are relatively unknown Many kinds of pollution exist worldwide. Many familiar pollution problems are known to many people such as pollution from the garbage‚ air pollution from cars and industry‚ pollution released into water from the factories and so on. There are many occurring spots worldwide that serious pollution problems have taken place‚ but do you wonder where those places are? Some of the significant scenes are worth knowing. Here are some scenes

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    Microbiology Lecture Exam #1 Outline Chapter 1: Microbiology Introduction   I.  Microbiology Definition II. History of Microbiology (Christian Gram‚ Robert Koch‚ Antony van Leeuwenhoek‚ Robert Hook‚ Edward Jenner‚ Louis Pasteur‚ Elie Metchnikoff‚ Dmitri Iwanowski‚ Paul Ehrlich‚ Alexander Fleming) II. Scope of Microbiology A.     Infectious Agents 1.      Prions 2.      Viroids 3.      Viruses B.     Prokaryotes

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    Introduction to Business Team Project: Canadian Natural Resources Limited Course Number: 04-75-100 Course Title: Introduction to Business Professor’s Name: Mr. Tony Mao Student’s Names: Daniel Pineau-103696836‚ Kate Stasiak-103137566‚ Quinton Rossini-103137500‚ Rajpal Sohi-103657079‚ Matthew Reid-103177436 Date Submitted: Wednesday‚ November 30‚ 2011 Executive Summary Canadian Natural Resources Limited‚ incorporated on November 7‚ 1973‚ is an "independent energy company engaged

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    Microbiology Home Assignment Student Name: Aisha Mohamed K-215810920 Lecturer Name: Dr. Faruk Sarkinfada Task 1: Describe the different classes of bacteria based on: a. Cell wall composition • :Gram negative . • Gram positive. b. Nutritional requirements : • Autotroghs:take nutrition from carbon dioxide. • Heterotrophs take the nutrition from organic carbon(carbs‚lipids‚protein) • Prototroph: take nutrition from sunlight. • Chemotrophic take nutrition from chemicals. c. Oxygen requirement

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