CHAPTER 15 Lean operations and JIT Short case: Just-in-time at Jimmy’s St James’s Hospital‚ in Leeds in the north of the UK‚ affectionately known as ‘Jimmy’s’‚ is Europe’s largest teaching hospital. It employs around 4500 people to support the 90 000 in-patient treatments per year and over 450 000 total admissions. Under increasing pressure to reduce costs‚ to contain inventory and to improve service‚ the Supplies Department has undertaken a major analysis of its activities‚ to try and
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Processes and Supply Chains‚ 10/E: Krajewski‚ Ritzman & Malhotra‚ 3 options: 1. Hardbound text (ISBN 9780132807395) 2. Binder-ready text (ISBN 9780132807470) 3. Electronic text (ISBN 9780132807463) Learning to See: Rother and Shook‚ The Lean Enterprise Institute‚ (ISBN 0-9667843-0-8). Book available through the OSU bookstore; must ask an associate for a copy. ------------------------------------------------- COURSE OBJECTIVES Many firms have demonstrated that operations management
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applies to MONET. ‘Heijunka’ means leveling production to meet fluctuating demands without holding excess inventory . Japanese technique of achieving even output flow by coordinated sequencing of very small production batches throughout the manufacturing line in a lean production or just in time (JIT) system. An example with respect to how it applies to MONET is the creation of smaller batch sizes that are brought over from prep & fire assay. 5. What is muda and what are the different type listed
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supplied nor the receiver of those goods or services ever has to wait on the other” (pg. 2216). JIT is a continuous improvement effort (a characteristic of lean systems) that reduces waste from the process‚ thus improving quality‚ delivery‚ flexibility‚ and reducing costs. Waste is any non value-added activity in a process such as movement. Lean processes utilize the pull method. In a pull method the product or service is produced as it is needed. JIT is a pull system in that the service is provided
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it. It is chalk full of excellent tips like 7 ways to reduce costs in gemba (as Mr. Imai phrases it). They are: 1. Improve Quality: Imai stresses how good quality is a prerequisite to making lean work. He even speaks about things like control charts which you don’t find mentioned in many lean books. 2. Improve Productivity: Productivity improves when less input produces more output. The book stresses how freed up human resources should be used for more kaizen (not fired). 3. Reduce
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and what they continually do to make improvements in all aspects of their business. Some focal points of this paper will be on the Gallo Winery operational strategy‚ what type of processes are utilized in the plant‚ and whether this company uses a lean production process or not. So how big of a company do you think E & J Gallo Winery is in the wine business? Well let me give you some background information about Gallo Winery before we get into the core of their operations. E & J Gallo Winery
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com/just-in-time-inventory-variability-monte-carlo-simulation/9406/>. This website offers a good simulation of Just-in-time inventory controls and offers a Monte Carlo Simulator to show how just-in-time systems can work. Videos Saffold‚ Laura. "JIT (Just in Time Manufacturing)." YouTube. YouTube‚ 16 Oct. 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. <>. This video is very informative and explains Just-in time in an easy to understand slide show.
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Toyota uses several manufacturing techniques and processes to help ensure a proper product that is inspected at every level. By doing this they eliminate any errors or mistakes that can jeopardize the quality or the prestige of a company such as Toyota. Following are some of the tools and terms Toyota uses in the Toyota Production Systems (TPS). Andon is a Japanese term that refers to the warning lights throughout the assembly line that display the current production status. It is a jidoka
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LEONEE A. VILUAN BSMA - 4 RED OCEAN STRATEGY The red ocean represents the existing market space. Companies in red oceans most often pursuecompetitive-based strategies‚ aiming to get a bigger share of the market from their competitors - thus the bloody competition - red ocean metaphor. This approach is called the structuralist view of strategy‚ meaning that companies adapt their behavior (strategy) to the existing industry ’s conditions. However‚ this approach is limited. Due to globalization
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INTRODUCTION The operation plays key role in firms because it affects operation managers understand their customers and translate their customers’ needs into performance objectives. "In turn‚ the performance objectives (and especially the relative importance of each one) influence the overall operations strategy of the business". (Slack et al.‚ 2010‚) The reason is that managers can based on performance objectives to do decision because it is reflection of corporation strengths and weaknesses. This
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