"Lean manufacturing" Essays and Research Papers

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    Business process changes: The IT system currently in use by Riordan Manufacturing Inc. is outdated and lacks many of the new technologies and features that are available today. This old and obsolete system is constantly requiring irregular maintenance in order to keep it in operation. The current increase in the consumer ’s demand for Riordan products presents the need for an improved and up-to-date ERP system. Riordan Manufacturing Inc. ’s continued success requires a system that is better designed

    Premium Manufacturing Industry Management

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    Toyota Problem Statemeny

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    Refined Problem Statement Jeremy M. Cernaloger MBA 6022 Strategic Operations Management 523 Roslyn Place Pittsburgh‚ PA 15232 Telephone: 412-334-5771 Email: jcernaloger@capellauniversity.edu Instructor: Zhimin Huang Abstract Processes need to be constantly analyzed in order to see if they are operating at full potential. The Toyota Production System (TPS) is one of the most effective processes in the world but it was not fully integrated into foreign market plants

    Premium Quality control Management Control system

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    Case Study 1.1 1. I believe that Open Systems Perspective and Organizational Learning Perspective of organizational effectiveness best describes the application of lean management practices. The Open Systems Perspective recalls an effective organization‚ which maintains a close “fit” with changing conditions‚ or transforms inputs to outputs efficiently and flexibly. The practices in the case is literally following that: this management involves finding ways to reduce and remove waste from work processes

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    between being a major economic player in global business and its previous peripheral role as a low-cost manufacturing site on the periphery of the world economy. What do you think? Mattel’s global sourcing in China‚ like all other toy manufacturers‚ was based on both low-cost manufacturing‚ low-cost labor‚ and a growing critical mass of factories competitively vying for contract manufacturing business. Do you think the product recalls and product quality problems are separate from or part of pursuing

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    Muri, Mura, Muda

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    What is LEAN? The core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply‚ lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. To accomplish this‚ lean thinking changes the focus of management from optimizing separate technologies‚

    Premium Toyota Production System Lean manufacturing

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    SECTION ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION One of the pre-requisites of manufacturing is abundance of energy i.e. electricity which is mainly utilized for driving machines for the production of various items. The manufacturing sector has always emphasized in their public policy advocacy‚ the need to improve various infrastructure‚ particularly‚ electricity which is the primary energy required for production. The uncompetitiveness of goods produced in Nigeria is largely due to the fact that apart from

    Premium Energy Peak oil Industry

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    activities ‚ from sweat shop era to intellectual properties/ services era‚ we see the relevance to the vitality of Capitalism in many years to come. WHAT IS 5S? 5S is workplace organization methodology developed in Japan and primarily used in Lean manufacturing. The name comes from a list of five Japanese words starting with the letter “S”. Seiri – Sorting. Seiton – Set everything in order. Seisi – Shining or cleaning. Seiketsu – Standardize. Shitsuke –

    Premium Kaizen Productivity Cleanliness

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    Toyota in the 1950 ’s‚ known as the Toyota Production System (TPS). JIT was well-established in many Japanese factories by the early 1970 ’s. JIT began to be adopted in the U.S. in the 1980 ’s (General Electric was an early adopter)‚ and the JIT/lean concepts are now widely accepted and used. There have ten basic elements in Just In time which are flexible resource‚ efficient facility layout‚ pull production system‚ Kanban production control‚ small lot production‚ quick setup‚ uniform production

    Premium Kanban Lean manufacturing

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    of Quality Parts Company are counter to the lean philosophy? II. Make recommendations for lean improvements in such areas as scheduling‚ layout‚ kanban‚ task groupings‚ and inventory. III. Sketch the operation of a pull system for quality for Quality Parts Company’s current system. IV. Outline a plan for introducing lean at Quality Parts Company. WHICH OF THE CHANGES BEING CONSIDERED BY THE MANAGER OF QUALITY PARTS COMPANY ARE COUNTER TO THE LEAN PHILOSOPHY? The manager is considering installing

    Premium Lean manufacturing Kanban Management

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    Toyota Production System” Productivity Press 1988 Shigeo Shingo‚ “A Study of the Toyota Production System” Productivity Press 1989 Yasuhiro Monden‚ “Toyota Production System”‚ 1st Ed 1983 Hayes‚ Wheelwright and Clark‚ “Dynamic Manufacturing” Free Press 1988 Womack and Jones‚ “Lean Thinking” Simon and Schuster‚ 1996 1990 3 Performance Observations • early observations of reliability after some reliability‚ initial start-up problems • IMVP got actual factory level data – assembly time – di t l b

    Premium Toyota Production System Lean manufacturing

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