"Lmx theory questionnaire" Essays and Research Papers

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    Diet Analysis Project Questionnaire Note: Refer to your profile‚ iprofile reports‚ and TEXTBOOK. Name______________ Base answers on 3 day average intake only. 1. According to your profile‚ your BMI is _________. This means you are considered: 1) underweight 2) healthy 3) overweight 4) obese? (circle one) 2. What percent of your recommended kcalorie intake did you consume? ________% 3. If you consumed your average kcalorie intake per day over a month‚ assuming

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    QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CUSTOMERS We are from Uitm Arau‚ Perlis and currently are carrying out a research for our project paper regarding petrol station. We would be grateful if you could spare some time to answer a few questions. Name of the Visitor :                  _____________________________ Date of visit :                              _____________________________ Sex of the visitor :                       _____________________________ Age of the visitor :                      _____________________________

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    Questionnaire 1. What types of the part-time job do you have now (Tick one answer)? A. on campus B. off campus 2. Why did you choose a part-time job (Make the following things in order. 1=the most important reason and 5 =the least important reason)? A. to earn money ________ B. to gain experience ________ C. to making friends ________ D. for interested ________ E. to improving yourself and achieve self-worth ________ F. other ________ 3. Do you think it is necessary for a student to

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    University of Phoenix Material Public Speaking Diagnostic Questionnaire INSTRUCTIONS Answer each of the following questions in complete paragraphs of at least 150 words. QUESTIONs .1 On a scale of 1 to 10‚ with 1 equaling love it‚ and 10 equaling hate it‚ rate your feelings about speaking in front of groups. Explain your reasons for this rating. When I think of public speaking I do like to do it even though I get nervous every time. I feel that if I had to put it on a scale of one to ten

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    To ensure your satisfaction and continued success in the graduate school of KOREATECH‚ we ask you to complete this questionnaire regarding various services at our university. Please answer to the questions sincerely. Your answers will be kept confidential and will help us to improve your time in the graduate school. Thank you for your time. ★ Please check your type: □ KOICA □ GKS □ The other A. Academic Affairs 1. Are the subjects currently offered suitable to your major? ① Yes

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    Questionnaire 1) Gender Male Female 2) Age 15-25 25-45 45 & over 3) Religion Hindu Muslim Christian Other please specify………………………………………………………….. 4) Ethnicity East Indian African Mixed Other please specify……………………………………………. 5) How long have you been a resident of Chaguanas? Less than 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years 10 years & over

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    Ferry Survey Questionnaire Dear passenger‚ we are conducting survey to find out your views of ferry services. Please take few minutes to complete this survey. The informations provided are highly confidential and will only be used for research purpose. Ident: xx‚xxx Section A – General Information (Please fill this section) 1. Which age group do you fall into? Under 16 16 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 40 40 to 44 45 or over 2. Are you? Male

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    Questionnaire Name: Age: Gender: 1. Do you eat Ice Cream? a. Yes b. No 2. Which Ice Cream do you usually buy? a. Baskin Robbins b. Kwality Wall c. Mother Dairy d. Amul e. Others 3. Why do you buy this brand? a. Quality b. Package c. Quantity d. Price 4. Which is your favorite ice cream flavor? a. Vanilla b. Strawberry c. Chocolate d. Honey Nut Crunch e. Other 5

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    UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN (PERAK CAMPUS) FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE (FBF) ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011 RESEARCH PROJECT QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY A STUDY OF IDENTIFYING WHETHER INTRINSIC OR EXTRINSIC REWARDS BEST USE TO ENHANCE THE MOTIVATION IN THE EDUCATION INDUSTRY Dear lecturers‚ We are students from Year 3 trimester 2/ trimester 3 from course Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons). The purpose of conducting this survey is to identify whether intrinsic or extrinsic

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    Use on Relationship Satisfaction Abstract Based on traditional theories of relationship satisfaction and Internet dependency‚ this study examined the relationship between social media use and addiction to interpersonal relationship satisfaction with an individual’s closest relationship. Two hundred nineteen (N = 2 219) individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 who are users of social media participated in an online questionnaire about their satisfaction with their closest interpersonal relationship

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