"Questionnaire for audio video solutions godrej" Essays and Research Papers

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    Q1.      Are you using DTH? a.       Yes b.         No Q2.      Which DTH Service you are using? a.         Airtel b.         Videocon DTH c.         Dish TV d.         Tata Sky e.         Big TV Q3.      Reason for using particular DTH Services? a.         Package Cost b.         Installation Charge c.         Universal Remote d.         Other Reasons Q4.      Are you aware about the service quality‚ tariffs and Installation charge of all other DTH Services? a.         Yes b.         No Q5.     

    Premium Direct broadcast satellite services Service Tata Sky

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    1. How is your relationship with the Reporting manager? A) Excellent B) Very good C) Good D) Poor E) Worst 2. Do you have Rewards and recognition on your achievements? •Yes () •No () 3. Is it important that appreciation for your work by your coworkers and supervisors? •Yes ( ) •No ( ) 4. Are the Facilities provided by the organization good (cafeteria‚ transport and other corporate services)? •Yes ( ) •No ( ) 5. How do you rate the infrastructure and equipment provided

    Premium Employment The Program Computer program

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    What all important in a footwear! ------------------------------------------------- We‚ the students of ICFAI Business School Hyderabad‚ are conducting a customer survey to know the buying behavior for footwear and to determine the important aspects which make a consumer to buy one. ------------------------------------------------- This research is purely for academic purpose and all the information provided by the respondents will be kept strictly confidential. Q) Rate the following features

    Premium Footwear Wear Black-and-white films

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    SECTION A: INDIVIDUAL PROFILE SECTION A: INDIVIDUAL PROFILE All data will be kept confidential and used anonymously for research purposes only. A1. Age _____ Years old A2. Gender Male Female A3. Ethnic Group Malay Chinese Indian Others: _____________ A4. Religion Muslim Hinduism Buddhism Christianity Others (Please specify) ________________ A5. Average monthly Income/Allowance RM0- RM500 RM500- RM1000 RM1000-RM2000

    Premium Online shopping Retailing Shopping

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    To B2B marketers 1) Have you used Inbound marketing techniques like Social media marketing‚ Mobile ads etc.‚ ? If yes‚ which ones & how? 2) Have you used outbound marketing techniques like Social email marketing‚ direct selling etc.‚ ? If yes‚ which ones & how? 3) Which marketing channel do you spend the most on & why? 4) How is the lead qualification pursued? On what basis is the decision to pursue a lead or not based upon? 5) Based on what parameters do you score leads & prioritize the leads

    Premium Marketing

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    Good day! The researcher is conducting a study entitled‚ “Advantages and Disadvantages of a First Year Cadet who has a Cousin on the Senior Classes”. This survey will serve as an instrument in the fulfillment of the said study. The researcher also hopes for honest answers which will be based on your own experience inline with the study. The researcher also assures you that your response will be kept confidential. Truly yours‚ E/Cdt. Sesgundo‚ Jun Paulo B. Researcher Personal Information:

    Premium The Higher

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    Mse Survey Questionnaires

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    Survey Name (Optional) Age* Address (City)* Gender* Employment status* * Male - Employed * Female - Unemployed * Others - Self-employed 1. 2. If student‚ how much is your weekly allowance? * P 500 below * P 600-1000 * P 1‚100 above 3. If employed‚ how much is your monthly salary? * P 10‚000 below * P 11‚000-17‚000 * P 18‚000 above 4. Primary mode of transportation: * PUJ * FX * Bus * Taxi

    Premium Advertising Employment Bag

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    Personal and Motivational Factors 1. Please tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself? 2. Who or what had the greatest influence on your life? 3. What are some of the greatest personal challenges you have faced during your lifetime? 4. How would you handle rejection? 5. What motivates you to put forward your greatest effort? Skills and Abilities 1. What skills and abilities do you possess that will help make you successful in today’s job market? 2. Why should

    Premium Employment What Would You Do? Problem solving

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    P6 - review the team’s overall effectiveness‚ together with your contribution to achieving the goals‚ receiving and providing feedback to other team members. Question 1 - Did you share ideas?  The sharing of ideas was very useful in every group due to the fact it requires more than one person’s input. I believe that I had a lot to say in the group ideas‚ which resulted to the groups progress‚ the first major input is coming up with the product and information about it. There were also others in

    Premium Democracy Communication Voting

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    Violent Video Games

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    Setting Introduction Over the past few years‚ video games have become increasingly popular in our culture. During this time video games have experienced leaps in technology‚ such as improved graphics and the ability to play with others either in person or worldwide via internet . As video game popularity has grown and the technology has become more advanced‚ concern has also grown regarding the effects of violent video game play on children. Video games are unique‚ as compared to other games children

    Premium Video game Video game controversy

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