Jan 1999 Learning Matters at Lingnan are short papers on teaching and learning that aim to provide a forum fo exchange of ideas about instructional matters. You are most welcomed to contribute to the forum by w Learning Matters at Lingnan‚ and/or responding to ideas that you either agree or disagree. Please se your ideas and contributions to the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC)‚ Lingnan College. Using Micro-teaching for Peer Review of Teaching University teachers these days have to make themselves
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Philosophy of Teaching and Learning Statement: Example from Science Tera L Montgomery‚ Ph.D.‚ Yahoo! Contributor Network Apr 1‚ 2010 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here." * More: * Philosophy * Teaching and Learning FlagPost a comment The following is the statement of my teaching philosophy that helped me acquire my position as an Assistant Professor. Use it as a guide to start thinking about your teaching philosophy. We will revisit this topic again‚ so start thinking now
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issues surrounding Equality and Diversity and will also cover the professional principles underpinning practice in work with children and young people. I will cover the key issues surrounding equality and diversity; firstly what does equality and diversity mean? Equality is to create a more equal and fair society; to give people the chance of an equal opportunity. (The Univesity of Edinburugh‚ 2013) Making sure children aren’t victim to prejudice and everyone is treated fairly to have the same opportunities
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Every school must produce a range of policies which formally set out guidelines and procedures for ensuring equality. These policies must take account the rights of all children and young people. The policies in place work to ensure equality and inclusion; this can be conducted through the teaching and learning that occurs in the setting. However‚ the policies must also pay regard to the values and practice which are part of all aspects of school life. All work with children should be underpinned
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Cultural Diversity in Schools EDCI 401 Name Here JANUARY 31‚1997 Since early American history‚ schools‚ like society‚ have addressed cultural diversity in different ways. In the colonial days‚ some attempts to adjust to cultural differences were made in the New York colony‚ but the dominant American culture was the norm in the general public‚ as well as most of the schools. As America approached the nineteenth century‚ the need for a common culture was the basis for the educational
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vision2learn Learner Handbook Equality and Diversity 1 Contents Learner support Pages 3 – 5 Welcome Who to go to for help Course time-frame Guided learning hours Learner advice and support Tips for using the platform Pages 6 – 9 Study skills 10 successful study tips Pages 10 –12 How to login How to contact your tutor How to access your units How to access your assessments How to submit work How to view your deadline dates Weekly study planner Assessment hints and tips
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As soon as we rolled up to Bethesda Elementary School‚ my heart skipped a beat. The sight of students immediately incited my excitement‚ and I could not wait to begin. Upon entering the building‚ one of the first things that I noticed was a student struggling on the floor as other students walked by‚ undisturbed by the occurrence. This would be my first encounter with the inclusion for which Bethesda Elementary is known. Once in Bethesda Elementary‚ I walked through the numerous classrooms searching
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Foundation Stage (EYFS) was introduced in 2008 to give high quality education and support in pre schools‚ it was revised in 2012 by Dame Clare Tickell to make it more focused on supporting children’s early learning. The EYFS is for children from birth up to the age of 5‚ all schools and Ofsted registered early years providers in all sectors including voluntary‚ private and maintained follow a structure of learning and care for children. Children are now offered 15hrs a week free childcare‚ any additional
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terms: Diversity: Diversity literally means difference. Even though people have things in common with each other they are also different in all sorts of ways. The diversity may be visible and non-visible‚ for example‚ personal characteristics like background‚ religion‚ culture‚ personality‚ age‚ gender‚ disability‚ size‚ accent‚ language and so on. When diversity is used as a contrast or addition to equality‚ it is about
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tone to create interest. You should talk at a pace that is neither to slow or monotonous‚ nor so fast that others can’t understand it. It is important to know the stages of language development. You should also be aware that if you are working with a pupil with special needs‚ their communication development will be different; this could be for reasons such as autism‚ speech and language problems‚ or a hearing impairment. In order to communicate effectively‚ think about both verbal and non-verbal
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