first about what definition of the function‚ challenge‚ study‚ and literature are. Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary‚ the function is devided in some of categories‚ they are : noun and verb. As a noun the function has a definition as an activity that is natural to or the purpose of a person or thing. And as a verb the function means as work or operate in aproper or particular way.[1] And based on Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary‚ the function is devided too in two categories‚ they
Premium Literature Art
incorporate important aspects of the different cultures in teaching of a second language in order to create a better classroom environment and improve the way that students learn English; I mean to create a good environment to learn and to teach. In EFL classroom there are many students of different places of the world with different culture who could be exposed to discrimination which affects their emotional field and can cause learning disabilities. All these factors should be analyzed and studied
Premium Learning Education Teacher
Unit 57 Support indiviuals to Eat and Drink 1.3 Describe ways to resolve any difficulties or dilemmas about the choice of food and drink. Giving them two or more choices and let them decide what they like‚ giving more details about the food will help them to choose. Explain to individuals about the importance of a healthy diet and encourage and support them to choose healthy options and alternatives. Explain to individuals about the consequences of a poor diet choice. For example‚ obesity
Premium Nutrition Eating
Unit 7 – Play and learning in children’s education Diploma in Child Care and Education Cache Level 3 E4 Include examples of different theoretical models of how children play and learn E5 Include an explanation of how observations can inform planning to meet children’s learning needs D2 Include an explanation of the key issues in recording assessments C1 Analyse the importance of planning and providing learning opportunities to meet children’s diverse needs E6 Include TWO (2) examples of information
Premium Lev Vygotsky Developmental psychology
Assignment 2 Task 1 Task 1- Understand inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning This briefing document is for staff development and is designed to support staff to have a better understanding of inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning. At the end of the briefing session participants will be aware of what inclusive learning involves‚ how to motivate and engage students and establish ground rules. Participants will be learning the importance of providing students with constructive
Premium Driving Motivation
revolutionized the teaching and learning foreign languages‚ specifically‚ English. They now provide a wealth of materials and resources‚ innovate the method of teaching and learning English and lead to the appearance of e-learning. First‚ today’s technology has provided teachers as well as students of English more choices of materials than in the past‚ when "technology" was still an unfamiliar term to the majority of Vietnamese society. As materials for teaching and learning English then were very
Premium Education Innovation Technology
Unit 504 Factors which can affect learning & achievement Accommodation: The earlier you can arrive to prepare for the session the better; you may need to set up IT equipment before the trainees arrive. Prepare the room for the session‚ for activities tables may need to be re-arranged‚ flip charts moved or they may need to use a Wi-Fi hub. Handouts may need to be positioned ready along with exercises and the resources that are going to be used. Good preparation will allow the session to run more
Premium Learning Skill Psychology
Q: Abraham Maslow composed a theory of human needs. Explain the needs and its implications for teaching and learning. Abraham Maslow has identified five categories of need that people are motivated to satisfy‚ and they apply to everyone. These needs are sequential– starting with the most basic needs and building up to more complex. The Hierarchy of Needs • Physiological needs (food‚ water and air). • Safety needs (security‚ stability‚ and freedom from fear or threat). • Social needs
Premium Maslow's hierarchy of needs Psychology Abraham Maslow
INCORPORATING LITERATURE IN ESL TEACHING AND LEARNING Dr.A.Joycilin Shermila Associate Professor in English Annammal College of Education for Women Tuticorin – 628 003 TamilNadu‚ India Literature that was initially read and enjoyed by enthusiasts and elites has gradually paved its way to become a more dynamic resource in teaching English as a second language. Literature in language classroom can enhance the critical thinking abilities
Premium Second language acquisition Linguistics Literature
Mora By Student’s Name In partial fulfillment of the requirements for The Master’s of Art in Teaching At National University Abstract Start typing here. Abstract begins without indentation. It is roughly 120 words. Sample Abstract The purpose of this research study is to address and analyze the usage of different teaching and learning strategies in the classroom while teaching the English Language Learners (ELLs). The ELLs are extensively populated in the U.S. public school system;
Premium Qualitative research