these factors have an effect on what physical activities they choose to participate in. You are not allowed to interview any of your family members. You will then need to come up with a thesis statement. Your thesis statement will depend on the questions and responses from your interviews. Sample thesis statements may be: "My research shows that people of (culture X) prefer playing soccer‚ while people of (culture Y) prefer baseball." "I have found that a person’s culture has an impact
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c. Follow a simple organizational pattern. d. Address reader concerns. Steps for Writing a Persuasive Essay (a) In persuasive writing‚ the writer expresses his or her opinion as a clear position on the topic or proposal. This is the thesis of the essay. For example‚ “Our schools need art classes even in times of budget cuts.” “Bike lanes will make Vacaville safer‚ healthier‚ and greener.” (b)The writer must back up the position with 2-3 solid reasons presented in the topic sentence
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organization SYNTHESIS – you can connect research studies and ideas to each other and use them to elaborate and support your thesis. skills: analysis‚ synthesis‚ interpretation‚ noticing patterns‚ organization‚ writing OBJECTIVITY – you show no bias in selecting‚ interpreting the research you have reviewed; you consider all aspects of a topic and not just those that support your thesis. skills: analysis‚ synthesis‚ interpretation‚ making comparisons‚ working with contradictions‚ organization‚ writing
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C LIT 271 WQ 2013 Assignment #2:Sequence Analysis Length: 850-1‚000 words (printed in Times New Roman‚ pt 12‚ double-spaced; state the word count at the top of the paper). The task: Analyze the sequence assigned to your section (make sure you are writing about the correct sequence!). Make an argument about how formal elements‚ such as mise-en-scene‚ sound‚ and editing‚ to convey content: how the formal elements develop characters and the relationships between them‚ how they organize the plot‚ or
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mildly grasp the concept of what is being taught. I am the girl that has always had to work much harder to be successful in a school setting than her peers. Considering my audience‚ arranging the sequence of my papers‚ and generating a productive thesis are a few of the many things that I have taken from English 111 and used to accomplish my goals in other classes this semester. Prior to taking English 111‚ I would literally throw any assignment together in the blink of an eye. The format and the
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English 4 Veitch Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: _________ Frankenstein Literary Analysis Research Essay Topic: You are to analyze a major aspect of Frankenstein. Think about some of the themes we’ve discussed (effect of isolation‚ significance of nature/nurture‚ development‚ parental responsibilities‚ etc.). Using your brainstorm ideas‚ journal responses or class notes‚ develop an original analysis of the novel and utilized the ideas of other credible
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Social scientists and natural scientists rely primarily on summary and paraphrase. 3. A Summary is a. a distillation of the ideas or argument of the text‚ a reconstruction of the major point or points of development of a text‚ beginning with the thesis or main idea ‚ followed by the points or details that support or elaborate on that idea b. not an outline or synopsis of the points that the author makes in the order that the author gives them 4. A Good Summary… a. Must be comprehensive. You
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purpose of the explanatory speech is to create understanding. Topics for explanatory speeches come from asking‚ “Why?” or “What does that mean?” Your purpose in this assignment is to identify the primary difficulty your audience faces in accepting your thesis‚ and then shaping your speech to overcome that difficulty. The informative value of a speech is measured by how much new and important information or understanding it provides the audience. The following questions might be new information for
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General background fact or attention getter 2. Thesis statement (this will be similar to the context of your topic—what was the focus of your research?) 3. Briefly outline your subtopics II. BODY A. Subtopic 1 1. Thesis statement 2. Supporting Ideas a. Reason/Detail/Fact and transition (reference) b. More information and transition (reference) c. Maybe even more information (reference) 3. Transition sentence to subtopic 2 B. Subtopic 2 1. Thesis statement 2. Supporting Ideas a. Reason/Detail/Fact
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introduction包括:general statements and thesis statement body paragraph包括:paragraph A:topic sentence—1support and detail(or examples)—2support and detail(or examples)—3support and detail(or examples)—concluding sentence paragraph B:结构同A paragraph C:结构同A (paragraph数量至少一个,但大学论文在三个三个以上为好。) conclusion paragraph包括: restament or summary of the main points;final comment 在加拿大ESSAY从10年级开始正式的学习,在这之前一般都是journal. ESSAY STRUCTURE Introductory paragraph 总起段 Thesis statement 中心 Argument #1 Argument #2
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