PRACTICE PROBLEM SET B Process Flow Diagrams 1. Consider the Custom Molds‚ Inc. case on pages 125-127 of the text. Prepare a process flow diagram of the Mold Fabrication process and the Parts Manufacturing process‚ showing how they are linked. We will discuss this flowchart in class on March 29. 2. Founded in 1966‚ DAV is one of the world’s largest insurance companies with locations in 32 countries. Given the description below‚ flowchart the New Policy Set-up process as it existed
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ACTIVITY DIAGRAMS IN UML Activity Diagrams WHAT IS AN ACTIVITY DIAGRAM? Activity diagrams consist of activities‚ states and transitions between activities and states. Activity diagrams combine ideas from event diagrams‚ Petri nets and state modeling techniques An activity diagram is a special case of state charts in which most or all states are activity states and most or all transitions are triggered by the completion of activities in the source state. What is an Activity Diagram? The
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review the Cause and Effect Diagram‚ better known as the Fishbone Chart‚ why and when you would use this method‚ and examples of real experiences with this diagram. Fishbone Chart A Japanese quality control statistician‚ Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa‚ invented the fishbone diagram. It may be referred to as the cause and effect‚ fishbone‚ or Ishikawa diagram. It is an analysis tool that provides a way to look at effects and causes that contribute to those effects. This diagram has been used in Japan‚ to
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1. Cuneiform- Cuneiform is Sumerian Writing that is a style of pictogram. It was written using a reed stylus and made wedge shaped impressions on clay tablets. They were then baked or dried in the sun to make them hard and virtually indestructible. Cuneiform evolved over time into something more advanced as civilizations kept rising and falling in Mesopotamia. Some examples of things Cuneiform was used for are tallies of cattle or other live stock by herders‚ lists of taxes and wages payments‚ contracts
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DFD Yourdon Recently reviewed In the late 1970s data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were introduced and popularized for structured analysis and design (Gane and Sarson 1979). DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system‚ showed how the data moved from one process to another‚ as well as its logical storage. Figure 1 presents an example of a DFD using the Gane and Sarson notation. There are only four symbols: Squares representing external entities‚ which are sources or destinations
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Using Data Flow Diagrams Data flow diagram is used by system analyst to put together a graphical representation of data processes throughout the organization. It depicts the broadest possible overview of system inputs‚ processes‚ and outputs. A series of layered data flow diagrams may be used to represent and analyze detailed procedures in the larger system. By using combinations of only four symbols‚ the system analyst can create a pictorial depiction of processes that will eventually provide
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DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Group#7 Nugao Oserin Obongen The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) • a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system. It enables you to represent the processes in your information system from the viewpoint of data. The DFD lets you visualize how the system operates‚ what the system accomplishes and how it will be implemented‚ when it is refined with further specification. • Data flow diagrams are used by systems analysts to design information-processing systems
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Narrative Flow of the Current System a. Flow of Data Figure 1 shows the data flow diagram of the current system where do the Research data on Research Development and Extension come from. First‚ the data will come from the Researcher then they will give it to their adviser‚ next to the Department Coordinator‚ Research Chairman‚ Campus Dean‚ Campus Administrator then it will be sent to Research Development and Extension Office on Capiz State University Main Campus. 1.0 Adviser 2.0 Department
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Carbide (Fe–Fe3C) Phase Diagram • In their simplest form‚ steels are alloys of Iron (Fe) and Carbon (C). • The Fe-C phase diagram is a fairly complex one‚ but we will only consider the steel part of the diagram‚ up to around 7% C b d Carbon. • Phases present α-ferrite‚ γ-ferrite‚ δ-ferrite‚ Fe3C (iron carbide or cementite) Fe-C liquid solution School of Mechanical and Building Sciences‚ VIT University‚ Vellore 1 Phases in Fe–Fe3C Phase Diagram α-ferrite - solid solution
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Similarities and Differences Comparing is the process of identifying similarities and differences between ideas or things. A variety of strategies can be used when designing comparison activities. We will discuss sentence stems‚ Venn diagrams‚ double bubble diagrams and comparison matrices. Sentence Stem Comparisons This strategy can be used to have the students compare and contrast people‚ characters‚ places‚ events‚ concepts or processes. The comparisons can be general or specific. Marzano’s
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