25th Hour, directed by Spike Lee, presents men partially in a typical way. The typical representation of men in Hollywood film defines them as being aggressive and powerful. They are expected to bear pain silently, suppress their emotions easily, and dominate their women. Also, typical males usually don’t pay any attention to their sicknesses and try to prove their masculinity to others. However, the movie includes a hegemonic negotiation of emotional outbursts over the traditional image of masculinity. Therefore, the main character, Monty, is a famous and respected drug dealer who spends his last day of freedom. He is presented as being powerful throughout the movie because he was living the American dream, driving an expensive car, owning a fancy apartment, having a beautiful, exotic girlfriend and hanging out in luxurious clubs. Although he is independent, being a provider for Naturelle and living an expensive life, he depends on drugs to maintain his power. Monty’s apartment has hardwood floors and tall windows facing the brownstones across the street. There are some black-and-white photographs, lining the walls, and the largest photo, hanging above the sofa, represents Brogan's Bar; the design of Monty’s apartment shows his power and wealth that came from drugs. Monty’s costuming and appearance illustrate his classy personality. His black and shiny shoes, sober and dark clothes, stylish and well-groomed hair reflect his past glamorous and wealthy life. Although Monty is going to prison in 24 hours, he suppresses all his emotions and sufferings. He walks slowly with Doyle, his dog, and reflects quietly on his life. The length of these shots is around fifteen seconds and shows his masculine insensitivity for the last day of his freedom. When he goes to the Coventry Preparatory School, he looks at his team picture smiling at his past happy memories. Monty goes to talk to Jacob about a change of plans as nothing has happened; he is very calm and doesn’t
25th Hour, directed by Spike Lee, presents men partially in a typical way. The typical representation of men in Hollywood film defines them as being aggressive and powerful. They are expected to bear pain silently, suppress their emotions easily, and dominate their women. Also, typical males usually don’t pay any attention to their sicknesses and try to prove their masculinity to others. However, the movie includes a hegemonic negotiation of emotional outbursts over the traditional image of masculinity. Therefore, the main character, Monty, is a famous and respected drug dealer who spends his last day of freedom. He is presented as being powerful throughout the movie because he was living the American dream, driving an expensive car, owning a fancy apartment, having a beautiful, exotic girlfriend and hanging out in luxurious clubs. Although he is independent, being a provider for Naturelle and living an expensive life, he depends on drugs to maintain his power. Monty’s apartment has hardwood floors and tall windows facing the brownstones across the street. There are some black-and-white photographs, lining the walls, and the largest photo, hanging above the sofa, represents Brogan's Bar; the design of Monty’s apartment shows his power and wealth that came from drugs. Monty’s costuming and appearance illustrate his classy personality. His black and shiny shoes, sober and dark clothes, stylish and well-groomed hair reflect his past glamorous and wealthy life. Although Monty is going to prison in 24 hours, he suppresses all his emotions and sufferings. He walks slowly with Doyle, his dog, and reflects quietly on his life. The length of these shots is around fifteen seconds and shows his masculine insensitivity for the last day of his freedom. When he goes to the Coventry Preparatory School, he looks at his team picture smiling at his past happy memories. Monty goes to talk to Jacob about a change of plans as nothing has happened; he is very calm and doesn’t