Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings
Task A Questions and Answers
Ai Identify four different reasons why people communicate
People need to communicate to be able to express their preferences for example dietary requirements. We need to be able to communicate to warn people of special requirements such as food or medical allergies. Communication is needed to build a relationship, this is especially important to help build up a trusting relationship. People have to ask questions to find out information and build a relationship, we need to be able to communicate effectively to do this.
Aii Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other practitioners.
Effective use of communication can help to develop a trusting relationship between residents and all of those involved in their care. Someone is more likely to express their feelings if they trust the people involved in their care. This in turn can break down barriers. For example a female resident may not like to have personal care by male carers but because of a lack of trust and poor communication she will not express her wishes which could then be displayed as aggression. Good communication and a trusting relationship could avoid this situation.
For the whole care team to have good communication helps an individual to feel respected, valued thus maintaining dignity and quality of life, this helps to feel that there is choice and a control over those choices made about their life and lifestyle.
Aiii Identify three ways of finding out the communication and language needs of an individual. For each method, describe how effective it is at establishing the needs of the individual.
Method How effective is this method?
Speech Speaking to someone to communicate is a very effective way of finding out an