(On-the-Job Training Policy & Guidelines)
The On-The-Job Training program has been envisioned to provide the “Field Laboratory” of Industrial Technology and Engineering courses. Under this program, the students are given a realistic exposure and training in local/international industries.
The training may start during the summer term and to be continued during the regular semesters. Enrolment in this course presupposes completion of shop works and academic subjects in the curriculum.
I. Description
On the Job Training Program is a supervised practice of skills application to the actual industry job functions of the different fields of specialization in a particular course offering. This provides the students the exposure and the training experiences applicable for industrial management concepts and practices that were learned in the classroom to the actual work environment.
II. Objectives The OJT program aims to provide the students with the following:
1. Exposure to training and work experience in the specific sector concerned to upgrade/enhance the theories and skills learned in the classroom;
2. Familiarization with the range of positions and the labor force requirements of the sector;
3. Honing of technical and managerial skills of trainees in specialized aspects of the Technology/Engineering field they are in, as major, in cooperation with the linkage industries of CTU.
III. Course Proper
1. Pre-OJT Evaluation
No student will be permitted to undergo OJT if he/she has a deficiency in any of the subjects prescribed in the curriculum. The school registrar will certify the checklist/OJT evaluation form that the student is qualified to take the OJT course.
2. OJT Orientation
The OJT Department of the College in collaboration with the Student Affairs Office shall conduct an OJT orientation which aimed to:
1. Discuss the concepts, objectives, mechanics, and requirements of the OJT program;