With the style theory, it talks about how task or production oriented leadership focus on giving guidance and structure to followers while people or relationship oriented leadership is focus on leadership and followership. Also, task oriented is more effective in high or low tempo task. As stated earlier I want to improve my current style theory because if I only have one and not the other then I could have negative impact with my supervisor, peers, and subordinates.
I’ll elaborate, I’ve been working at my section since October 2016. We have six airmen in my work center. There’s only one I do not officially supervise on paper because his legitimate supervisor is deployed. However, I still treat him like he’s one of my airman.
Not to get of topic, the …show more content…
A little backstory, my current supervisor lost trust and confidence in her last subordinate because he lied on his physical fitness test and was demoted from a staff sergeant to a senior airman, then forced to separate. Moreover, when he got in trouble she started investigating his work and noticed he lied a lot of previous work. That being said I understood that she must have been guarded from what previously had happen before I move to another section. Currently my supervisor and have a great relationship, I feel like she understands me and could engage if I need help in a task. If communication between me and my supervisor last minute tasking would seriously hinder production. Also, she lets me know her workload so I could take care of anything else she needs due to our open