#1–More energy
Being undernourished makes you feel exhausted, weak, and sluggish. Having tons of energy and feeling strong is just one of many healthy eating advantages.
#2 – Clearer thoughts
Have you ever struggled to concentrate? It’s not fun feeling like you can’t quite get your thoughts together, especially if you really need to concentrate on something important. A balanced diet is full of nutrients that you brain needs so the great advantage is that your focus improves - a lot!
#3 – Better moods
You benefit emotionally from healthy eating too. Rather than struggling with mood swings and irritability, you’ll find that you just feel good almost all of the time. Healthy eating advantages include feeling confident, happy, inspired, alert and resilient– nothing can hold you down for long.
#4 – Easier weight losses You know that eating healthy helps you lose weight, but did you know that it can help you lose weight more easily? That’s because your body won’t be fighting to stay in balance like it does when you keep feeding it junk that throws everything out of whack. Eating whole, nutritious foods in their natural form provides the fuel your organs, muscles and glands need to keep all of your body’s processes working efficiently, including your metabolism.
Disadvantages a balanced diet
Change Is Hard
It's hard to incorporate change especially behavioral changes that affect what we eat and why we eat. This process leads to gathering information about what is healthy, what is not, and how to break the bondage to emotional eating. Initially this can be hard on the dieter. But if they follow a structured plan, they learn to incorporate change one choice at a time.
Social Obstacles
Not only is this initial change in eating habits hard on the dieter, but another disadvantage to eating healthy is that it also