On the left side of the face it is obvious the female is a smoker because she is holding a cigarette to her mouth. It’s noticeable that she has brittle nails, wrinkles on her cheeks and forehead, and discolored teeth and eye whites. By looking at this advertisement, it is believed that the cigarette smoke has darkened her skin complexion making her appear dirty. All the harmful ingredients that are in tobacco often disturb the coloration and structure of an individual’s face causing them to look older than they are. The most striking piece in this advertisement is when the woman gets ready to eat the cigarette. It seems insane imagining someone indulging a cigarette, but it grabs viewers’ attention and illustrates how harmful smoking is. In fact, it’s portraying that smoking is equally destructive as if someone were to be eating a cigarette. It is important that TUPP adds lots of visual detail to this advertisement to show viewers that smoking can affect many parts of the …show more content…
The reason behind this is because when individuals encounter this ad their eyes are drawn to what stands out the most. Also, a reader can infer the biggest words are the most important. In this advertisement, the most eye grabbing phrase is, “call 1-866 NEW-LUNG” (TUPP). Horrifically, it is assuming that if an individual smokes they will need a lung transplant. TUPP places a logo of white lungs beside “1-866-NEW-LUNG” in hopes for people to understand smoking can affect internal organs as well as facial features. It is obvious why the Tobacco Use Prevention Program chose white lungs for this advertisement. They want individuals to understand that non-smokers should have untarnished lungs, which would appear to be white, and individuals that smoke have tarnished