gender roles through media to families allows for the continuation of inequalities in society.
The next advertisement is on an open house viewing for new houses and a food drive that they are doing to raise donations for people who need help. In it, there are three visible minority children in a bath tube above the “Food drive “logo. Thus, the advertisement pushes the narrative that minorities are the ones who require donations and, the charity of others; it promotes the dominant ideology to the point that it creates prejudice, and, hegemony and advances racialization.
The last advertisement exemplifies the illusion that the media pertains of easy class mobility for marginalized individuals. It illustrates a single mother with a child in field and under them there is ad for new homes. Class mobility exist but the distance a person can move depends on many factors such as prestige, status and power- although possible, the media paints this ability as universal, when only few individuals move upwards in a class system. Hence, it prevents marginalized groups from achieving class consciousness.