In this assignment I will be talking about the organisation of a business. I will be including the aims and objectives and the functional areas. I will also be talking about the organisational structure and how they play an important role on the business.
Aldi is a supermarket that sells both food and non-food products. Aldi is set within the Private sector as they are aiming to break-even/ make a profit. Their aim for the future is to develop their business further which is why Aldi promise to give customers quality products at the best possible price. Aldi have tried to save money by charging money for both their carrier bags and canvas shopper bags. This will then make more people reuse them so Aldi are also helping out the environment. Aldi sell products that have been produced with respect for both the environment and workers.
Aldi organisation structure
If the store employees have a problem or an enquiry then they will go to the store management team. If the store management team cannot help them they will then go to the district manager, however if they cannot help either they will then go onto the director. The director depends on what the enquiry is about, after this they may go to the vice president. This is the line of communication within a business. Information about the business can also be passed down the information line. If the vice president makes a decision, such as a new product to sell then all of the other people within the business must know about it. The information must get passed down the line of communication in order to reach the store employees which are at the bottom of the communication line.
The vice president is responsible for the directors, district manager, store management team and the store employees. This means that he has a wide span of control because the vice president oversees a large number of subordinates.
Functional areas
All businesses must carry out a number of functions to ensure