I am most motivated by my desire to better myself and my family. Life is guarded by time, and one of the most greatest unknows is how much me have to enjoy it. I dont want to run out of it before, I think it is to late. Everyday we are presended with choice that will define our character life and legeacy. Motivation to sucessed in life, this will help me acheive and persue my goal. Ultimataly my end goal is to acheive a state side job and quit deploying with my current job.
My Purpose
My main purpose is to acquire the necessary skills and experiences needed to succeed in my endeavors. A Bachelors in Crisis Management and Homeland Security . It has the learning courses I need to not only reach my goals but to be successful when I get there. I also have many years of job related experience. The transisition from one job field to the next, should be rather painless. …show more content…
The values people demonstrate often change from moment to moment and situation to situation. By seeking my college degree, I feel the three values I listed are the best match.
Ambititon comes from my stong desire to achieve. I have always felt there have been three types of people: peole who want things to happen, people who watch things happen and people who make things happen.
Adaptable is demonstrated when anyone adjusts to new conditions, like on-line classes. Everyone in this course is adaptding to better themselves.
Accountability is demonstrated by allowing myself to stay on schedule and keeping distractions away during course time. The obligation that I have to account for and accept resonsibility.
My Discipline
As I mentioned in My Values, I am more than willing to dedicate my time and anything it takes to complete the task at hand. Dicipline is an important virtue. Life without dicipline is just like a ship without a rudder. It is absoultely essential for the success in