CLS 102
April 26th 2014
Steven Tuck
U.S. Spectacle Assignment
Throughout the years societies have expressed their cultural values through various spectacles. In America there are spectacles that occur everyday all across the country. They range from very large venues that holds many viewers and or people watch on television or smaller spectacles that have less people watching. Every little detail about the event including who attends or watches the spectacle expresses our country’s cultural values, as well as the experience the viewer has and prizes given out. These are just a few of the many traits of a spectacle that show off the society’s culture.
One U.S. spectacle I would like to focus in a bit more detail …show more content…
The two main companies’ that sponsor and help make the show possible is Ford and Coca-Cola. These two companies make American Idol able to run because of the money given by these two major sponsors. Both of these sponsors are American based companies that funnel a great amount of wealth into the show. The audience recognizes both of these sponsors and in their head realizes where the majority of the money is coming from and how this is an American show based off of who sponsors the event. At the end of the show there are only two contestants left and whoever has the most votes by American wins American Idol. The winner gets a large sum of money as well as a recording contract. The top twelve also get a constellation prize, which is a decent amount of cash. The prizes given out reflect on how much our culture is centered on money and how much it influences and drives our economy. Quite often on the show they bring in prominent singers to help the contestants prepare for their next performance. Bringing in these artists shows the amount of weight we put on pop culture in our society. Since the show focuses on singing talent it only makes sense that the show brings in these talented artists. The spectators not only get to hear upcoming singers perform but also hear noteworthy singers