The ASD communication approach embraces an American Sign Language/English Bi-Lingual approach speech, auditory training, reading, writing, and use of assistive devices as essential parts of Specially
Designed Instruction (SDI). This enables students to achieve true language and communication literacy in order to be successful learners. The website is very easy to navigate and readers are able to locate the different links easily. The website also provides information on admission, location of the school, history of the school, mission of the school and also how persons can donate to the school.
One link I would suggest is “Stonington exhibit celebrates talents of autistic artists”. This link spoke about a seventeen-year-old boy by the name of Robby Porter. Robby is autistic, blind, deaf, intellectual disabilities and numerous medical issues. Porter is one of 10 artists whose artwork was on display at the La Grua cultural center in Stonington borough. The link also spoke about other artist and the work that they have done. I suggested this link because children and adults who are vision impaired, deaf and autistic are not able to do amazing things such as art and craft. These children are very talented and it’s awesome that they are able to display their artwork in an environment that many can view or buy their pieces