
Analysis Of Karina Longworth's 'You Must Remember This'

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“You Must Remember This” is a podcast created by Karina Longworth, who is a former film critic for the LA weekly and founder of Karina not only writes the episodes, she also produces and edits the original copy. It really is, as the description calls it, her passion project. You can hear that passion in every word she speaks; with her sultry tone that emulates the classic Hollywood she is describing. Karina accomplishes this by making the timbre of her voice very warm, trailing off at the end of almost every sentence while using high frequencies to accentuate certain phrases. She also uses her voice to her advantage when quoting people in Marilyn’s story. She does this by acting like a man or adding an accent depending on the …show more content…

It was a part of a series called “Dead Blondes” and was the first of three episodes about Marilyn. As all the episodes do, this one started with the podcast’s theme music and introductions that lasts until [00:54]. Karina then introduces the specific series the episode is a part of, in this case “dead blondes”. The music soon morphs into a montage of women from classic movies stating that they are “running off to Hollywood”. The crackling of the film, the tinny car horns, and the sensual jazz music build the scene of the classic Hollywood Karina is about to describe. The Hollywood that made little Norma Jeane into Marilyn …show more content…

She also talked frequently about the opinions of biographers who have written about Monroe. In many cases, she goes back and forth between what she believes and the opinions of the biographers, giving it the feeling of a conversation. She does this particularly well when detailing how many biographers believe that Monroe “loved the camera so much that she became sexually excited while posing and that this accounted for her alleged tendency to go to bed with the man behind the camera”(Longworth, 21:40) but then saying in her own voice that “I have no reason to doubt her claim that in the 19040s, sexual coercion was endemic to the culture of freelance pinup posing”(Longworth, 22:50) which turned the biographers into the perfect villains of the

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