Julia Rowland
February 20, 2013
Dana Grams
Presentation Analysis
There are similarities and differences with face-to-face and online presentations. To begin with, they both require research, planning, writing, visual design, interpersonal and nonverbal communication. (Bovee and John V. Thill., 2010) Each route causes a person to be nervous, but when the proper amount of homework is done it will ease the stress and make presenting a lot easier.
My videos were found in the politics section on You Tube, and both were very informative. My first presentation was from a female who obviously did some major study on her topic. She had great eye contact with her audience, and demonstrated with her hands through the entire video. However, her audience was very quiet, to the point I wondered if they were sleeping with their eyes open. No-one made a sound or had any questions for her. It almost seemed like a lecture. She presented the information with in-depth detail, (from memory) and even though she had a huge stack of material to look at, it rested on the pulpit until the end. This let me know she was very prepared to share the information and knowledge she had gained over the years, but chose the wrong route for delivery. All of her materials were in print form, and she did not use a power point. I believe if she had used slides, the audience might have been more interested, and a question and answer section at the end might have been useful as well.
In order for her to modify the presentation for an online webcast she would need to create some handouts and supporting visuals. She would also need to find different avenues for engaging the audience, like telling a short relevant story or adding a little humor. The most important thing to do would be to acquire knowledge of the audience ahead of time.
My second presenter was a man on a mission to inform. He was very aware of his audience, and found ways to engage
References: http://www.youtube.com/user/politics