Question 4 tests for the satisfactory level of the respondents with respect to four elements. Namely train frequency, crowdedness of trains and stations, quality of the MRT staff service and cleanliness of the trains and stations. The results would be used to evaluate the current performance of SMRT’s performance and show areas where improvement is needed. From the total of 31 respondents of the survey, 100% responded to Question 4 and gave ratings to each element in the question. Ratings for train frequency sastisfaction are generally centralised in the middle with the rating “Satisfied” being the highest rating given with 14 responses. Ratings regarding the crowdedness of the trains and stations are heavily skewed to the left with both ratings “Fair” and “Poor” being the highest rating given with 10 responses. This is the situation that train commuters are currently facing and there are supporting articles relating to the crowdedness of the trains, which can be seen in the appendices. Crowdedness of trains may also be caused due to frequent train breakdowns. There is a central tendency for the sastisfaction of MRT staff service are generally centralised in the middle with the rating of “Fair” being the highest rating given at 17 responses. Ratings for the satisfaction level of cleanliness in trains and stations are generally centralised at the rating “Satisfied” and it being the highest rating given at 18 responses. Therefore to conclude the results collected, train frequency and cleanliness of trains and stations are of satisfactory level, quality of MRT staff service is fair and the concensus of the crowdedness of trains to be at a poor satisfaction level.
The table above shows the crosstab of two elements, the importance of the crowdedness of trains and the age groups of the respondents. From the results shown, both age groups determine that the