The television series “Buddy” is based on the novel of the same name by Nigel Hinton. It tells the story of the life of Buddy and Terry Clark. Buddy Clark is the eponymous hero of the program, “Buddy”, which is a television series about his difficult life. At the beginning Buddy is about to go to school. The audience sees the mother, Carol and the father, Terry arguing. Buddy asks for money because he wants to go on a school trip Carol says she hasn’t got enough money, so Buddy takes the money from her purse and goes to school. When he gets home his mother is very angry because she notices that the money is missing. Carol then leaves home because she thinks she needs some time alone. Now, Buddy and Terry are left without their hard working mother/wife in the house.
The plot is made up of several different strands: Buddy’s life at home, life at school, life with friends and the horror in the middle and end of the series. Buddy’s life at home changes when his mother leaves. The kitchen is a mess and the washing doesn’t get done, and Terry is really lazy, so Buddy has no clean school clothes. His ‘nice’ hair has been chopped off and Terry is broke. In and out of school, Buddy only has two friends, Julius and Charmian Rybeero. They are Twin brother and sister. Ever since Carol left, Buddy’s teacher moans at him about not wearing proper uniform.
Buddy visits a building called “56 Croxley St” many times throughout the series. Sometimes Julius and Charmian join him. After a while Terry starts stealing jewellery without telling Buddy. Terry makes a lot of money and starts taking buddy to shops and buying him things for school. His teacher notices the change in his appearance. It is parent’s night and Terry meets Mr Rybeero and realises that he is a nice man. Then Terry stops being racist towards black people.
One night, Terry comes home with blood all over his hands and buddy helps him out. Terry told him that he fell off of his motor bike, but