of revenue from football and could offer more money to a certain player that small Football schools like Arizona or Baylor wouldn’t be able to offer and could really take away big recruits that could help. Secondly, ALL college athletes would have to be paid equally according to title IX, this would be too difficult because men’s Basketball and Football make a majority of the revenue and most of it in used to maintain facilities, support other college tournaments and championships. Last but not least, people love to watch college sports because they players don’t play for the money and fame but for the love of their teammates, the love for the community, and most importantly, the love of the sport. That is why I don’t think college athletes should be paid.
of revenue from football and could offer more money to a certain player that small Football schools like Arizona or Baylor wouldn’t be able to offer and could really take away big recruits that could help. Secondly, ALL college athletes would have to be paid equally according to title IX, this would be too difficult because men’s Basketball and Football make a majority of the revenue and most of it in used to maintain facilities, support other college tournaments and championships. Last but not least, people love to watch college sports because they players don’t play for the money and fame but for the love of their teammates, the love for the community, and most importantly, the love of the sport. That is why I don’t think college athletes should be paid.