September 16, 2014
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
BIMS management team has been facing a major dilemma of high turnover and extremely low employee morale. BIMS management team has asked Team B to help identify the main cause of the high turnover and low morale and propose an acceptable solution that will result in a decrease of both.
Data Collection Conclusion
In the past few months we at BIMS have learned, thru the drop in employees that the company’s employee morale was dwindling. So, to help the company boosts the employees’ morale and company image, we decided as a whole in management by collecting data from those that are directly responsible for or affected by the issues, the research should lead them to some resolution to fix the problems we are facing with the turnover in employees. We gave surveys to 449 staff members. The survey collected information on attitudes, opinions, and levels of satisfaction from the staff. We used the levels used nominal, ordinal, and interval levels of measurement for the questions. 449 employees were given surveys, and only 78 turned in the survey, which was less than 18% of the employees. The surveys had flaws and they were biased, causing them to not contain enough input to implement any changes.
Summarizing and presenting conclusion
Based on the conclusions represented in the collected data of the survey used by management, the findings conclude the overwhelming dissatisfaction of a majority of the employees surveyed. This survey is based on a smaller sample of the entire employee base and represents only those that took part in the process and cannot conclude the entire impact of how all employees feel regarding their employer and how they are ultimately treated in their own minds of fairness. The data gives the management team a look into how their employees feel, what is causing them to consider leaving the company and offers an insight into what the