It has tubules and is porous
B. What is important functionally about transitional epithelium?
It allows for stretching. Transitional epithelium contains cells that are flattened and cells that are cuboidal; hence the name "transitional". You can find transitional epithelium in the bladder and in the first expansion of the ureters as they leave the kidneys (called a calyx).
C. What is the function of the ureter? How does its structure support this function?
Covey urine from kidneys to bladder Enter base of bladder through posterior wall Strength and frequency of muscle contractions change with amount of urine present
D. What is the function of the urethra? How does its structure support this function?
Urethra drains urine from bladder to outside of body/ Urethra is longer in males(where it is also used to conduct semen) than in females.
Exercise 2: Dissection of the Sheep Kidney obseRvations Match the statements in column A with the words in column B
Column A
Column B
F 1. smooth membrane of the kidney surface a. cortex
D 2. portion of the kidney containing mostly collecting ducts b. renal pelvis
A 3. portion of the kidney with most of the nephron structures c. renal column
B 4. flat cavity that is continuous with the ureter d. medulla
E 5. cup shaped extension of the pelvis. Encircles the pyramid. e. minor calyx
C 6. superficial region of kidney tissue f. renal capsule
A. What is the function of the fat that surrounds the kidneys?
The renal fat pat encases each kidney and holds it in position. The fat also acts as a protective barrier.
B. What is the function of the kidneys?
Process blood and form urine as a waste to be excreted. Eliminating toxins, metabolic wastes excess ions from blood. Regulation of blood volume and