Santosh Kumar Nanda* Ashok Kumar Dash** Sandigdha Acharya* Abikshyana Moharana*
The advance of robotics and the increase in robot use have raised the need for computer simulation of robots, among the aims of which are the design of new robots, task planning of existing robots, performance evaluation and cycle time estimation. For mining environment, both the opencast and underground mining needs seriously application of robotics. In deep mining, the room and pillar or bord and pillar method progresses along the seam, while pillars and timber are left standing to support the mine roof and highly equipped machineries used
To maintain safety and reduced the human activity, it is very much essential to adopt robotic technology in underground mines. It is proved that, robots will be doing jobs like laying explosives, going underground after blasting to stabilize a mine roof or mining in areas where it is impossible for humans to work or even survive.
This paper highlights the need and uses of robotic applications in mining industry environment.
Keywords: Mine environment, mine navigation, mine rescue robot
perform simple repetitive jobs, such as pick-and-place, machine loading and unloading, spry painting and spot welding. A basic approach has been assumed for the testing of the performance of the semi-autonomous robot.
It has been seen that this performs well under the simple assumptions of the conditions established at the underground mining excavation sites. The recent fatality statistics for both underground as well as opencast mining operations worldwide point out that the most serious risks to the personnel are from different mining conditions especially that from the inaccessible areas of the mines where regular systematic monitoring and maintenance operations are difficult and hence, none of these operations are not carried out on a systematic