There is always a resistance to the restriction of these rights through legislation, constitutional amendments and regulation. Reproductive justice is the complete economic, political, social, mental, physical and spiritual well being of girls and the women fraternity In particular. This can only be achieved when women political, social and economic power to make decisions as far as their bodies are concerned, reproduction and sexuality, their communities and families in all aspects of their lives is considered. Reproductive justice is respectful enough to a woman to interrogate her about her choices and not making decisions or assumptions without putting into consideration her best interest. It is not being able to give birth to a child but also having the ability to raise it with any support system to which empowers her without controlling or judging her (Chrisler et al, 2012). It is does not leave or abandon a young girl to suffer with pregnancy but gives her full support to raise the child /or not raise it in case she feels that motherhood is not the best option for …show more content…
They both agree that reproductive accountability, comprehensive care freedom and transparency should have licensed facilities that provide pregnancy and family planning related services so as to give their patients full information concerning any assistance available for contraception. They are affordable prenatal Care and abortion .it should also include how the assistance can be obtained. Facilities that have been offering medical services without medial licenses have to declare that they are not licensed. They must also disclose that they don’t have a licensed staff provider. They also agree that the female gender should have the required information to help them make decisions that are time sensitive and far as their reproductive health is concerned. Women should take charge of their own reproductive health. Hence; this insinuates that they deserve proper access to the options they want to make. Reproductive rights and reproductive justice also differ in some aspects (Ehrenreich et al, 2008). Reproduction rights deals with the legal rights of a woman reproductive health services whereas reproductive justice attends to social inequalities which shape the reproductive justice framework. The achievement on reproductive justice asks for a shift in paradigm as far as consciousness is concerned for a radical society transformation which is not the case in reproductive