Stem cells are known for being a group of undifferentiated, pluripotent cells, meaning they are able to transform and replicate into any type of cell in the body. By mastering the treatment of stem cell therapy, diseases that yet to have cure or form of treatment are being challenged. For example, a study was created in 2011 by Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) to test stem cell transplants in incurable progressive blindness diseases. In the trial, scientists injected embryonic stem cells in two patients suffering from different forms of progressive blindness. The purpose of the trial was to test the safety of injecting stem cells and observing if the transplants would pose possible health risks, such as tumors, growths, or rejection. …show more content…
Scientists performing the trial, Dr. Steven Swartz and Dr. Robert Lanza, found that the cells were not forming any tumors or growths, and there were no signs of immune rejection in either patient. The results were seemingly positive; the stem cells injected had integrated into both patients’ retinal tissue and were claimed to improve both of their eyesights. The results of the trial, according to Swartz: “... Could be the beginning of something fantastic.” Although the sample size of the study was restricted to two patients, the results founded by the trials are seen today as an early success in a new scientific concept in repairing damages to the human body.
From the past study in 2011 to current studies in 2016, stem cell therapy has made great strides of improvement.
Many scientists are beginning to take the concept of stem cell therapy to the next level, by applying the idea to many other “incurable” diseases, such as: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. Stem cells are more than just ceasing the progression of a disease, stem cells are a means to restore the human body to it’s original state. It is a new form of treatment with the potential to be an alternative to expensive medications and
To many, stem cell therapy is an innovative approach to treatment of disease; providing hope to those who suffer from illnesses that are deemed as “incurable”. To the science discipline, stem cell therapy is a catalyst which modifies the basic mindset of “treating” the human body to “restoring” the human body.