First of all, current situation with the amount and easy accessibility of handguns in Arizona will cut the number of violent cases that come into the state. Obviously, the problem of violent behavior is not going to be solved totally. There are a lot of replacements how to conduct violently without a gun; such a change would make a huge difference. As the authors of the USA Today fairly say, mass shootings have become a part of the routine in the US nowadays ("Another day in the USA, another mass shooting"), but the prohibition would probably cut the number of gun death in two. As a matter of fact, some actions are thought out by the government - “liberals tend to focus on guns and conservatives on mental health” ("Another day in the USA, another mass shooting") - the plan of the politicians either concerns the type of …show more content…
The ban of handguns in the state of Arizona will definitely change the criminal situation for better and save a lot of lives even for the price of state budget cuts. Therefore, we all should support such a solution of the existent problem in order to make Arizona a safer place to live. However, a handgun is an issue that needs to be solved as soon as possible because people do not need to lose each other. Thus, losing innocent people will make the life harder than expected. Law funders need to find way to make life better for everyone who lives on its