support. Benjamin Domenech, in an opinion paper, alleged “In this, as in gun restriction, policymakers would be wise to understand the limits of what they can do in a world where evil and insanity will always exist.” Benjamin Disraeli wrote, "When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken." ("A Quote by Benjamin Disraeli.") Domenech further says that corruption may arise from a rational or irrational origin, but the law itself has little power to protect the individuals at that particular moment when darkness knocks on the door. The legislation that has been passed focuses less on prevention of crime and more on the definition of what is considered criminal. These laws will have minimal effect to deter the actions of those who cannot even tell the difference between their imagination and reality. Speaking of Sandy Hook, Domenech says, “What matters more in moments like that calm December morning is the law written on our hearts, the faith that gives us the strength to confront the face of evil unflinchingly, resolved that we will not cower or run but stand in that moment to protect the blameless, even to the end. In a world of darkness and insanity, we may not be able to do more--but we can do no less.” (Domenech) After the horror of a mass shooting, or even the localized tragedy of the taking of a single life, people ask “What can we do?” I believe that specific legislation is logical, to provide a filtering process for the obvious issues.
I believe background checks remove a certain element from the problem and should be expanded to include psychological information. I believe we should consider requiring handgun safety courses and certifications before allowing individuals to carry concealed weapons into public. Safety courses for properly handling and storing weapons in homes is another requirement that I consider prudent. But at the end of the day, I think Domenech’s point is well taken. When the time comes and evil is staring at us in whatever form, only individuals standing up for justice will create a true difference. The actions of Todd Beamer and Mark Bingham on flight 93 serve as an example to all of us, that individuals cause the difference not