Mrs. Schuette
12 February 2014
English 9B
In 2008, sixty seven percent of murders were committed in the United States with guns, sixty seven percent is 10,886 out of 16,272 crimes that involved guns. (Agresti, James D) More gun control could decrease that number significantly. Gun constrictions will not hinder Americans hunting or hobbies, it will help stop the shooter from getting guns. Even though people think that guns are not a problem, there needs to be more restrictions on guns because it would decrease shootings and mass murders, it would reduce deaths and injuries associated with guns, and civilians do not need semi-automatic weapons.
Opponents will argue against having more gun restrictions. Some of the things …show more content…
they might point out are even with gun restrictions criminals will still get guns. Going along with having handguns, the opposing side says that guns in the hands of law-abiding people can decrease crime and criminals are less likely to attack people who could be armed. These are the arguments that supporters of less gun control might argue.
The first and most important outcome of more gun control is it will decrease shootings and murders.
Supporters of gun control reform say, “The high rate of violent shootings in the United States can be traced to the country’s lax stance on gun legislation.” ("Gun Control Reform.") If there were bans on certain weapons a shooter will not have access to gun they want or have already used. “Since the current laws are too lax, it allows dangerous people to acquire deadly weapons with little or no hindrance. ("Update: Gun Control.") If the country had stricter laws against some guns or stricter background checks there could be a decrease in gun violence. Therefore putting restrictions on guns will save lives of American citizens and decrease …show more content…
Besides decreasing shootings and murders, gun control will also reduce deaths and injuries associated with guns. Lenient gun restrictions increase the risk of violence and accidents associated with guns. If it is easy for people to get and carry guns in public, it is more likely that fights will escalated into shootings. In January 2011, in Tuscan Arizona, a shooter Jared Lee Loughner killed six people. “Supporters of gun control point out that not even those who brought firearms were able to stop a determined gunman from murdering and wounding so many people.” ("Gun Control Reform.") According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 30,000 people are killed by guns in the United States each year, either accidentally or by homicide. Deaths involving guns occur more frequently in the United States than any other country. ("Update: Gun Control.") Therefore, guns and criminals with guns are not only a problem in other developed countries but a huge problem in the United States.
In addition civilians do not need semi-automatic weapons, they are not safe in civilian hands.
In 2004, 8,299 homicides were committed with handguns. (Agresti, James D) Assault weapons are military style weapons that were made to kill multiple people and have no civilian purpose. ("Assault Weapons.") Even a gun that can seem as harmless as a handgun could be used to murder multiple people if it falls in the wrong hands. “In 1989, under the authority of the Gun Control Act, President George H. W. Bush imposed a ban on imported assault weapons that were not suitable for or easily convertible to sporting purposes.” ("Assault Weapons.") This applies to today’s guns, if the gun is not suitable for sporting purposes, civilians do not need that gun. Many major famous mass shootings were committed using legal military style weapons in the hands of shooter, examples include Sandy Hook and Aurora Colorado. ("Assault Weapons.") Mass shootings in American schools are becoming more popular. In March of 1998 four girls and a teacher were shot to death and ten people were wounded when two boys, ages 11 and 13, opened fire at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas using semi-automatic weapons. ("America's blind spot.") If young boys ages 11 and 13 can get semi-automatic weapons and wound multiple people, an experienced criminal would have no problem with the same task. All in all, civilians do not need any sort of semi-automatic or military-style